New Amon Amarth shirts

These are the "new" AA Shirts


I have that shirt that says "bärsärk" on the back, as well as the one that says "Viking" on the back with "Amon Amarth" written on the front across a picture of Mjolnir. I got them both at their recent concert in the Netherlands.
I like all AA shirts...with the results that I stopped buying t-shirts from other bands, because otherwise I might go broke!!

But I got another Nile t-shirt yesterday at their show, just couldn't resist.
yeah "L33ch", it's the one i'm mentioning^^
possibly it's the more popular, but it's the one i favour .
it's first class the crossed axes on top of the Slashing sword and all that half hidden with a round shield........
For a Viking freaky, it's almost awesome, possibly "Skegox" instead of this kind of axe would be peachier^^, but it's already awesome to get a tee shirt like this one!!