New amp


Booze influenced
Sep 17, 2005
During the holidays I'm probably going to buy a new amp. At the moment I have a 15 watt Line 6 Spider II :)erk:), so just about everything is probably going to sound better, and especially less fake and effecty. I'm looking for a good amp primarily for playing metal but which also has a good nice clean tone. If it can be used for (very) small gigs that would be nice, I'm not doing gigs yet but in the future this might come in handy. My guitar is a Jackson WRMG Warrior, with EMG-HZ's and a gain boost, so if you've already heard someone play this kind of guitar on a certain amp, and it sounded good, let me know which amp it was. Also I'm on a tight budget so the cheaper the better obviously, max budget is about 400 euros.

Please help me all you gear freaks!
Hmm maybe you can get a Laney VH100R in second hand. They are like 600$ , save a little bit money. It would worth.
Get a 5150 mark 1 head second hand. As far as I see that's the only option for a decent stack setup, metal sound for someone on such a limited budget.

If that fails, get a 5150 combo second hand.

You're gonna be wanting to look strictly second hand to have any hope of finding something decent in that budget.
Hmm maybe I should start playing in a pop/rap/hip-hop band first to make money, and then use that money to buy a decent metal amp. Selling out before I ever even start creating decent Metal, that would be something :erk:.
Ok I'll just become a giggolo for a while then.

Hint: clever reply: It's harder than you think to make stuff like that look good.
I love my Crate GT1200H half stack. It was only $500 and it has a good distortion on it. 3 channels (lead, rhythm, clean) and I think all of them sound quite nice. It sounds pretty good compared to most of the other cheaper half stacks I've played.
I don't know if this is universal for all amps, but my 2X12 has barely any bass compared to the stack. It was a huge upgrade for me to get the Crate and it wasn't that much more than the 2X12.