*new* ANTHRAX - photos


New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2005
Hello Everyone

We just posted some photos of ANTHRAX live in Montreal.


CLICK HERE to see more photos from that night.

spacebeer said:
Very cool pics...geez man look at their faces and tell me their not enjoying it!

agreed man...awesome pics of Frankie on here - everytime I have seen 'thrax (minus the Joey Vera tour), I've always been utterly impressed by how energetic and what a great entertainer he is. Without a doubt, though it's great to have Joey and Dan back on stage, Anthrax just wasn't Anthrax for me without the big Bello on bass!:rock:
Bello is just as big a part of the stage show as Belladonna or Ian is! without him ANTHRAX is only 50%, but IMO the same goes for Joey! well actually all the members except for Danny, I am glad he is back but I think he is the only one that is somewhat replacable....don;t get me wrong I would rather see him stay, I love the way he plays all the original leads!