new Anthrax?


Whistler's father
Mar 11, 2002
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are they the new Anthrax?


i hope we get a new Anthrax album soon but in the meantime we can listen to some Municipal Waste, cool, isn't it? they're influenced by Anthrax, S.O.D., D.R.I., Suicidal Tendencies and Crumbsuckers (Oldschool Thrash and HC)

Anthrax will have to put out a really strong record if they want to compete with those awesome "new" Thrash-bands out there, Thrash is coming back and the young guys are totally into it. i will see MW live later that month, can't f----n wait. i also notice that old 'Thrax is getting popular again, saw Megadeth live yesterday and there were many young guys with Anthrax-shirts, Anthrax-patches and so on, also older guys with Anthrax-shirts and -patches, before the Megadeth-show started, "Madhouse" came through the speakers and a bunch of people sang "it's a madhouse", cool.

Alternative Rock, Nu-Metal and crap like that will be replaced by Thrash, now we have the opposite situation of what happened at the beginning of the 90's, Thrash was "out" and we got grunge and later nu-metal.

also a "new" Thrash band, Gama Bomb


and another one, Toxic Holocaust

another "new" Thrash band, Fueled By Fire

Thrash is back! it never died!

Bushthraxfans aka Nickelbushfans or Bushbabies (how 6er likes to call them) beware! hard times are coming your way, mallcore is out!
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Dude, Municipal Waste is great. Art of Partying-- loaded with anthems. However they are just a poor mans RAZOR!!!
Municipal waste is soooooooo badass i dont like toxic holocaust tho

Municipal Waste's drummer, Dave Witte, in my opinion is one of the most underrated and overlooked drummers in heavy music. His work with Melt-Banana, Discordance Axis, and Burnt By The Sun is equally as great!
Municipal Waste is awesome for shure. A little SpAM but you might like band too:

Check out Forca Macabra for good thrashcore. Also, the 90's powerviolence greats: Spazz, Capitalist Casualties, Charles Bronson, Fuck On The Beach, Man Is The Bastard, etc. Comps from Slap-A-Ham, Six Weeks Records, and Six Two Five Thrashcore were some of my favorites in high school.

Two bands from Brazil that melt my face off (lots of good thrash near the equator) are Ratos de Porao (came up alongside Sepultura) and Permanante Estado do Conflito. Especially the Permanante Estado do Conflito.
Check out Forca Macabra for good thrashcore. Also, the 90's powerviolence greats: Spazz, Capitalist Casualties, Charles Bronson, Fuck On The Beach, Man Is The Bastard, etc. Comps from Slap-A-Ham, Six Weeks Records, and Six Two Five Thrashcore were some of my favorites in high school.

Two bands from Brazil that melt my face off (lots of good thrash near the equator) are Ratos de Porao (came up alongside Sepultura) and Permanante Estado do Conflito. Especially the Permanante Estado do Conflito.

I love RDP, we did their song "drink til you die" on occasions....
Municipal Waste. I like it.
Reminds me a lot of Suicidal Tendencies.

these guys come from Finland...they are NOT new ANTHRAX...but I think they compete with EXODUS and other Bay Area bands...:)

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Perhaps this is one goes to Death Metal genre...but imho this is another great one from Finland...they are singing in Finnish...:)

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My 1 year old son likes this one...:)

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Not new at all, but really really anthraxian !

especialy the backing vocals :rock::rock::rock:

About this band, a journalist of french radio said "they have the choice between the talent of Anthrax and the bermuda-shorts of Anthrax, ......................................they choose the bermudas" :tickled::tickled::tickled:
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Not bad, but I can't get into this new stuff. I appreciate their inspiration, but there's only one 'thrash' band for me. I never listened to much of it (thrash) unless it was Anthrax anyway.

are they the new Anthrax?

i hope we get a new Anthrax album soon but in the meantime we can listen to some Municipal Waste, cool, isn't it? they're influenced by Anthrax, S.O.D., D.R.I., Suicidal Tendencies and Crumbsuckers (Oldschool Thrash and HC)

Anthrax will have to put out a really strong record if they want to compete with those awesome "new" Thrash-bands out there, Thrash is coming back and the young guys are totally into it. i will see MW live later that month, can't f----n wait. i also notice that old 'Thrax is getting popular again, saw Megadeth live yesterday and there were many young guys with Anthrax-shirts, Anthrax-patches and so on, also older guys with Anthrax-shirts and -patches, before the Megadeth-show started, "Madhouse" came through the speakers and a bunch of people sang "it's a madhouse", cool.

Alternative Rock, Nu-Metal and crap like that will be replaced by Thrash, now we have the opposite situation of what happened at the beginning of the 90's, Thrash was "out" and we got grunge and later nu-metal.

Thrash is back! it never died!

Bushthraxfans aka Nickelbushfans or Bushbabies (how 6er likes to call them) beware! hard times are coming your way, mallcore is out!