New AS YOU DROWN song! Mixed/mastered by Thomas 'Plec' Johansson


Oct 15, 2007
Hey guys,

My band AS YOU DROWN (Metal Blade Records) just made the first single, 'You Should Be Paranoid', from our second full lenght album available for streaming. Head on over to to check it out!

Rec info:

Mixed and mastered by Thomas 'Plec' Johansson.
Guitars are TSE X30 and impulses (don't know which one's though) that we found on this forum. Bass is Sansamp Bassdriver.
Drums are both slate and andy sneap (kick) samples.
Vocals are Studio Projects B1 thru SP VTB1 preamp and DBX 166XL compressor.

Let me know what you guys think! Thanks =) / Simon
I think a heard a track from this project a few weeks ago. You guys and Plec made a cool result out of some budget circumstances!

I think you'd have gained a lot from using an actual amp, because the guitars are a bit flat and scratchy here, but beyond that I think you've done really well! I love how much vibe his new SSL adds into very digital tracks.
Agreed with Ermz on the scratchy sentiment, but pretty damn awesome otherwise! Plec is tha man!
Ok thanks guys. I'm quite happy with the guitars, but of course with better reamping they could have gotten better... low budget on everything, as you said =)
This is sick. Great guitar takes. I've been trying to show bands how to get clean DIs like this for awhile now. Really makes the x30 shine. maybe a tad scratchy but loving the crunch!