New Ascension MP3! :)

THanks, not entirely helpful but at least you listened!

We unfortunately recorded that verse at the end of the day after the singer had been singer for about 3 hours straight - not a great idea as he can get that no probs but by the time we recorded that verse he was knackered...

We are probably re-recording that bit and as I said, its a first draft... Anyone else?
It has a good feel to it mate, and there are certain parts of the song that I really do enjoy; there's the makings of good stuff here. A bit of constructive criticism (well, closer to brutal honesty:D ) is that with a stronger singer this would sound pretty sweet. I don't necessarily mean "another" singer, but perhaps he could sing in a more powerful style... you know, with a shed-load more confidence behind his voice. Music with this fast a beat tends to need a strong vocalist, otherwise the guitars overpower the singer. I'll be interested to see how this develops. Keep us posted and great job so far!

/edit: I like your logo too :D