New Athrax song in high quality audio here..

Well thanks for that.

What the fuck's your point this time?

Are you going to have another cry?

Shall I call a bwaaaaambulance for you now in anticipation?
Well thanks for that.

What the fuck's your point this time?

Are you going to have another cry?

Shall I call a bwaaaaambulance for you now in anticipation?

Whats my point? That not many people here care about The Damned Things, I personally don't like it. But this Damned Things single is heavier than the new Anthrax single. Which is pretty sad. If Joey was singing on this Damned Things song and it was labeled 'Anthrax' it seem most people on here would be saying how amazing it is, blah blah. I just don't understand it. This is Anthrax we are talking about here. Seems people forget how amazing of a Thrash band they once were. Now we are talking about a pop/rock version of Anthrax and it's not sitting well with me
Oh so predictable. Thought so.

Anyway, the bwaaaambulance is on it's way.

Whats my point? That not many people here care about The Damned Things, I personally don't like it. But this Damned Things single is heavier than the new Anthrax single. Which is pretty sad. If Joey was singing on this Damned Things song and it was labeled 'Anthrax' it seem most people on here would be saying how amazing it is, blah blah. I just don't understand it. This is Anthrax we are talking about here. Seems people forget how amazing of a Thrash band they once were. Now we are talking about a pop/rock version of Anthrax and it's not sitting well with me

It's because of fans like you that bands like Anthrax want to try different things.
I would like TDYK to be heavier and faster, but it's certainly heavier than any TDT song
All I know is that.... I like the new music whether it's 'not heavy or fast enough' or not 'crunchy enough' for some people, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the album! Gotta remember these guys are 45-50 yrs old. I think they are trying to rock as fast as their older souls can lol.
All I know is that.... I like the new music whether it's 'not heavy or fast enough' or not 'crunchy enough' for some people, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the album! Gotta remember these guys are 45-50 yrs old. I think they are trying to rock as fast as their older souls can lol.

This is not meant as a critical comment against Anthrax, but there are older bands producing quite fast/"heavy" music these days. I won't name them, but it's true. It's just that Anthrax doesn't want to, not that they can't. If anyone could, it's them, as they do have the energy.
why do people always expect a BRAND NEW record to be "OLD SCHOOL"'s fuckin' 2011. The 80s are over and aren't coming back.

Again, not criticizing Anthrax, but the 80s is not an era-music lives on forever. You decide whether you make music from the 30s, 50s, 80s, or 2011s. You can have music that has elements of different so-called "eras" as well.

Please don't take my comment as just trying to contradict you,' cause that's not my intention at all. I just feel that if the 80s are "dead", it's dead for those who want it to be dead, which is FINE, and your preference.
As much as Scott and Charlie trashed Joeys first solo record when it came out, both of these songs they have released from the new album would have fit perfectly on his solo album
As much as Scott and Charlie trashed Joeys first solo record when it came out, both of these songs they have released from the new album would have fit perfectly on his solo album

According to YOU, yes.....According to ME, um no.
I do agree that Joey's solo stuff wasn't good though.
And have you noticed that in the chorus of The Devil You Know, there is this "It's a godDAMNED THING"...
Conspiracy theories anyone? :lol: