New Band - It Dies Today

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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I found this band out from my apprentice and I am just absolutely stunned. A cross between death, power, and hardcore metal with mostly death vocals and a few clean singing parts. Everything is awesome! Guitars styles cross seemlessly, very upbeat power riffs crossed with a hardcore style. The drums are awesome - great use of double bass. No annoying continuous use of blast beats. As everyone should know by now, i usually cant pick out the bass so i wont touch that. Tons of time changes and melody and it all fits seemlessly together!

I highly suggest people check them out!
I like this band. This is the kind of stuff I've really been into lately. It's kind of a blend of the Swedish and the American I think. The best band in my opinion of this type is The Black Dahlia Murder. Check em out
I've seen these guys live a bunch of times because my friends band opened for them for a while. I wasn't a huge fan of the live performance, although the places they played were pretty ghetto. The band themselves are pretty cool dudes though.

Overall though, I'm not a huge fan of them. The singer tries to do that melodic half assed singing thing quite a bit and it just gets in the way and slows the pace up on most songs. Otherwise its pretty solid, even for a hardcore band ;)
As musicians, they're pretty good, the songs seem to weave too frequently ni and out of different styles and it doesnt seem like the natural flow of the song. And when they go into the really slow 1/2 time messugahish parts, they shouldnt. Leave that to the gods of the genre, Messugah themselves.
Serge... said:
I like this band. This is the kind of stuff I've really been into lately. It's kind of a blend of the Swedish and the American I think. The best band in my opinion of this type is The Black Dahlia Murder. Check em out
Yeah, I got this cd like a week ago, its pretty awesome. Contagion and Closed Casket Requiem are killer songs. The video for Contagion is sweet too
Soul of Ice said:
they are definitely not trying to be Messugah, these guys actually have melody
I didnt say they were trying to be like messhugah all the time, just during certain parts of their songs they abrubtly go into those slowed-down groove oriented sections that dont work.
Poison Godmachine said:
You lost me at hardcore. I saw The Black Dahlia Murder on tour with Evergrey.... they were reeeeealy bad. The singer looked/acted like Mr.Peepers (The monkey Chris Katan plays on SNL)

Heh, yeah they look like emo guys but I think they blew Evergrey away just because I don't like that band much. The only problem was the sound quality. And also.. I'm not aware of a music video for Contagion.. where can I get that?