New bass player?


Mar 9, 2002
Does anyone have any idea whatsoever who's gonna replace Frank? Obviosly i'd like to see him return at some point but the lack of news on that front makes me think this is now not an option. Hopefully it will be a case of absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that...
Is Vera an option? i know he has his finger in a lotta pie's (cue beavis and butthead sniggering) but would he drop em to join the Thrax full time?
Me - check it out: BOMMmm B-B-B-B-B-BOMM B-BOMm B-BOMm. Presumably, Frank has committed to the forthcoming Helmet tour and Joey will continue to stand in for that time. After that, who knows?
Dude, they posted it on the website a while ago; Joey Vera already did. Personally I expected it, and I'm upset that Frank left, but maybe they'll let Joey actually play, instead of just following everyone else. Maybe they'll also let him play with some lower end, instead of that sound that Frank had. Damn Frank was a really good bassist, like in Spreading the Disease and Among the Living, but I could never stand his sound later on, like in Got the Time.
Huh? Is the 'Frank out, Joey in' thing deemed permanent now then? I missed that one.

I always liked Frankie's bass sound, especially on ATL. He pioneered that whole 'lowest octave on a piano' plonky-plonk thing. Das niiiice. The only time I didn't like Anthrax's sound was on (pauses to contemplate consequences of controversial statement...) SOWN. Man, I always hated the production job on that record. No bite. No edge. Just lots of wooliness and a deeeep snare drum by the sounds of things. Hey! Feels pretty good to get that off my chest after all these years!
J1NX said:
Huh? Is the 'Frank out, Joey in' thing deemed permanent now then? I missed that one.

I always liked Frankie's bass sound, especially on ATL. He pioneered that whole 'lowest octave on a piano' plonky-plonk thing. Das niiiice. The only time I didn't like Anthrax's sound was on (pauses to contemplate consequences of controversial statement...) SOWN. Man, I always hated the production job on that record. No bite. No edge. Just lots of wooliness and a deeeep snare drum by the sounds of things. Hey! Feels pretty good to get that off my chest after all these years!
Respect mate! It takes a lotta balls to say a word against SOWN on this board, although i agree that Franks bass sound was better on earlier records...
i think frank is gone forever,thrax cant afford to be waiting aroubf for him and why should they joey is one hell of a bassist and his knowledge of the studio can only be a good thing

as far as sown goes its a good record but has such a shit sound it it,guitars are wishy washy,vocals are wishy washy,if it had the production of stomp or wcfya it would probably be my fave record,scott has gone on record too that the production wasnt what he had hoped for and said mixing his rythm 8 times was a mistake,john has also said he wasnt happy with the vocal mix.
Armored Thrax said:
Try buying every fucking release that Armored Saint ever put out.

That would be a good place to start.
wassap haven't seen you in a while bro, and i second your remark.

if you want to hear badass spanish style guitar check out No me digas (sp?) on the newest AS album revelation. but yeah other than that pretty much any AS track has badass bass. Joey is a bass god. I place him up there with Geezer. I have a feeling they may not keep him seeing as how ANthrax doesn't seem to want members with other demanding obligations and Joey is fucking everywhere but i would love it if he stayed. HE realy shines live.
fuelee2004 said:
and we still dont know the reason why he left :confused:
i was wondering if he was offered the slot in helmet and maybe Anthrax wanted him to focus on Anthrax. I have no idea. He seems to be pretty zany on stage and in behind the scenes footage on DVD's but he doesn't have many interviews. Not sure if thats personal preferance or not.