New bass, tone test.


New Metal Member
May 19, 2011
Hey, yesterday I picked myself up a new 5-string Jazz Bass and decided to do a really short/quick tone test. I used the dual amping in my Pod HD Pro for the tone.

Hopefully be able to keep tweaking it over the next couple of days until I'm 100% happy, but this is what I ended on today.

Sorry the Soundcloud widget doesn't appear, I thought it would if I copied the link in here (if anyone knows why this didn't work I'd appreciate the help).

Thanks for listening guys.

Just go to "advanced" when you post and there's an option to insert a SoundCloud widget. You just paste the URL inside the HTML tags.

It sounds great! Can I ask what amps you used on the Pro? And is that the riff from Tactical Nuke by the Acacia Strain?
It sounds pretty good, but there's this annoying frequency in the mids that just ruins it for me. Perhaps I will download it and have a look at exactly where it is!
Thanks man, and no not intended, just literally wrote the drums and played along haven't really listened to Acacia Strain before.

The HD amps I used were:
Black Face DBL NRM --- 4x12 XXL --- 409 Dynamic mic
Tweed Bman BRT --- 4x10 Tweed Bman --- 409 Dynamic mic

Hope that helps dude,
