New batmobile

I think it really depends on how they set the characters up, it would be rather stupid to bring in Scarecrow and Ra's just to kill them both off. Especially Ra's, seeing as he's not so much a "hands on" player, but the guy pulling all the strings behind the scenes
One villain only! In 2 movies they used up The Riddler, Bane, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze and Bane, in the new one they use Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul, and they already used Penguin, Catwoman and Joker. They have used every villain already. How crap.

Grr. This new Batman movie better not suck.
I dont like this at all. Just fire everyone, give Tim Burton 200 million and let him do what he wants :rock:
Spiff said:
You're an idiot sometimes Spawn.
Coming from someone who thought Attack Of The Clones was a good movie, you really shouldnt be throwing stones in your glass house.
Apolyom-Todd said:
Yeah cause that worked so well with Batman Returns
Batman Returns is magnitudes better than either of the 2 sequels after it. The only strange part was the portrayal of Penguin, but it kept Batman as a dark, introspective movie, and not a shitty dayglo joke like the next 2. The original is still the best, but Batman Returns was at least a worthy film, unlike the others.
spawn said:
They have used every villain already. How crap.
Where did they use Bane? i don't remember him?

these villians have not been used in a batman movie, only comic's,cartoons and tv series'.:
Harley Quinn
King Tut
Louie the Lilac
The Black Widow
The Archer
The Bookworm
Madame Minerva
Lord Pfogg
Lola Lasagna
The Queen of Diamonds
The Mad Hatter
Ma Parker
Killer Croc
Apolyom-Todd said:
That's not fair comparison.... filming me jacking off for two hours would be more entertaining then the last two batman films! :Puke:
Well yes, thats possibly true :lol: But Batman Returns kept the Batman "feel" it was dark, gothic and the set design was brilliant, it was much closer to Batman as he is supposed to be. I think the Penguin was played wrong, they should have made him just a businessman or something with that nickname, but I thought the rest of it was fantastic personally :)

Koichi: Obviously I was referring to GOOD Batman villains. The classics. Bane was in the third one if I recall correctly, not for very long though, and naturally, was shitty as hell. I suppose you could put Harley Quinn, and maybe Killer Croc and Clayface as some of the better villains, but the rest are all pretty forgettable.
The fella with the beard, Winnie. The main one that wasn't Matthew McWhatsisname.

Bane was in Batman & Robin, wasn't he? Was he the big muscly dude that looked like a tank?
That's him. The guy who played him died shortly afterwards, I believe.

Uma Thurman was great in Batman & Robin, by the way. Well, I think she was - haven't seen it since its theatrical release. The movie is definitely the worst I've ever seen, even worse than the godawful Legends of the Fall.