New beautiful Wallpaper


Sep 17, 2003
Strasbourg - France
Hello The Opeth's fans...

We have created a new and beautiful Opeth Wallpaper


If you like it, you can dowload it on my website : or in the Goodies section.

Cheers :)
I think it's quite nice. The only thing is the mirrored Opeth-text. Something else could fill that spot instead. I don't know what, but something.

Anyways, I really like it. I use it as we speak.
It's ok for your desktop but my desktop has loads of icons and i'd get confused and wouldn't see the ones in the light bit clearly, overall it's an innovative design, i'll give it 3/10.
It looks awesome. The inverted 'O' looks really.. different. A giant transparent O that covered the picture would be better than the two logos at the sides, I think.
You have a good wallpaper there. :)

Lose the Mirrored text on either side, and consider a giant, low opacity 'O' (Like Cama suggested) and you'll have yourself a GREAT WALLPAPER! :grin:
Pics of the martis (slightly smaller than Peter and Mikael) where the two Opeth-logos are now. And a transparent O which covers the pic likethis.

I found that picture in someones signature once. Nice one, all credits to that person :)