New BLS album


Apr 14, 2001
According to the official BLACK LABEL SOCIETY website (, the band will be touring sometime in February or March, but no details or dates are available at this point.

There is also a new BLS album in the can, no details are available except that James Lomenzo played bass and Craig Nunenmacher played drums. It will be released sometime during the first quarter of next year, although what record label it will be on has not been announced.

Does Zakk ever have a weekend off? Its good to see a band releasing an album every year like Judas Priest and Black Sabbath used to do. It wont be another acoustic album thankfully, Book Of Shadows is phenomenal, but on Hangover Music his voice was terrible.

Anyway BLS rules :notworthy
"Does Zakk ever have a weekend off?"

I doubt it. He even found the time to make a cameo appearance on Angel. I've just finished watching Season 4 on DVD, and Mr. Wylde was the guitarist who accompanied all the worshippers in the hotel while they were singing their devoted songs to the goddess Jasmine.

The guy doing the commentary on that episode said they had to keep any kids away from the set while they were filiming because Zakk swore so much :lol:.

As much as I do like 1919 Eternal and The Blessed Hellride, I really wish Zakk would put more than a few months effort into an album for once. :(