New Bon Jovi song SUCKS !!!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Other than White Lion (98% due to Vito Bratta's godliness) I have never been big on "hair metal." Bon Jovi is another exception and I have always taken up for them when they were being used as an example of "bad hair metal." I thought they have written many very good songs and were pretty fair (far from great mind you) musicians, and I like Jon's voice as well. Boy, they dropped a turd on this latest single though. Come on Jon !!

I don't mind the new single We Weren't Born to Follow. It's similar to basically every single they've had in the past decade (It's My Life, Bounce, Have a Nice Day, etc.). While it doesn't compare to some of his best work, it's not bad.

Bon Jovi has long been one of my favorite bands (though they continually slip down the list), owing mostly to Richie's incredible playing. I count Keep the Faith and These Days as hard rock masterpieces. Even Crush was pretty good for what it was. After that though, they've been extremely hit and miss.

The new album however, was IMO, the worst thing they've done to date. I dunno if I'd count it below their country album but I ignored that altogether. The Circle was hailed as their big comeback and I liked the first single enough so I bought the disc blindly. Big mistake. The performances and production is okay, but the songs are just bleh.

Also, Richie's album Stranger in This Town is an incredible work of blues rock. If you like that genre, it's a must-buy. I know people who hate Bon Jovi that love SITT.
All that 80's commercial metal was hit and miss with me, pick and choose songs and my enjoyment decreased looking back as time went on. I have to admit to not buying much of it though so I dont know what I missed but so many were disappointments finding out the only standout was the radio song that got you to buy the album. I had Slippery When Wet in a few weeks ago and it didnt stay in long. My favorite rockers from that era was SamHalen but I wore those out too. Another one I could deal with all the way through was "1987", played the first Steelheart release alot and was into the first two Firehouse releases. Never liked Mike Tramps voice but the song "Leave Me Alone" is totally kick ass and Vito did a great job on Blue Sunday.

I prefer to make a select song list using most of these bands than try to survive a full CD or tape.
i agree. this new bon jovi album was garbage. i bought it because it was $7.99 or less one week at best buy
You get what you pay for...
Though The Scorps delivered a monster effort for the same price!

whats funny is the bon jovi cd was on sale for $7.99 weeks after it was released, not the first week.

it appears the new slash album will be $7.99 at best buy or $17.99 for the cd with a t-shirt