New Bumblefoot track

that song is verry punky, like Johnny Rotten, not Punky Brewster (or Punky Meadows). It's chock full of cool/weird guitar playing. As we know with B-Foot, you never know what to expect. Blind buy for me! :headbang:
Yeah he said he's had comments that the new material sounds like Sex Pistols meets Queen. =D
Man, Ron sounds pissed off... and I like it! :heh:

I can't wait to hear the rest of the album. My boyfriend won the opera contest he had a while back, so he got to sing on a few tracks of Abnormal. Lucky bastard!
Man, Ron sounds pissed off... and I like it! :heh:

I can't wait to hear the rest of the album. My boyfriend won the opera contest he had a while back, so he got to sing on a few tracks of Abnormal. Lucky bastard!

No shit??? That is WAYY cool! I knew after seeing the girlie socks, he could probably do opera! :Smokedev:
I've been out of touch with Camp Bumblefoot lately...I'll have to remember to go hit the forum asap......