New Cavalera Conspiracy

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
New song called Killing Inside. Simplistic as all hell but sometimes you just gotta get a simple riff and rock it all to hell and this does that and then some. Max is king these days. I love Soulfly and Cavalera Conspiracy. I have no need for a Sepultura reunion.

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I love Sepultura and love the first Cavalera Conspiracy album. That being said, this one is a bit different. Not bad, but a bit different. I'm not too big a fan of this song posted.

That being said, for the guys that didn't like (or don't know the band), here's two gems from the first disc:

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Loved the first album. I get what Max does with Soulfly and all that but even with that in mind this new tune just sounds bad.
Just wanted to say that I got the cd/dvd version of this release. It's worth it to watch the dvd from a festival in France with plenty of Seps songs thrown in as well. That guy Marc Rizzo is slowly turning into one of my fave guitarists in modern times.