new Children Of Bodom Interview

FS: Thanks for the interview, and best of luck in the future, any last words??

COB: thanks, Now we are so excited with new songs so it is looking bright in the future..we will see how things turn out to be...Hope our fans can wait still for the next cob-album..
I wanna say that we are grateful for the support we get from our fans all over the world...Thanks guys..Take care

This is great news that everything looks bright in the future!
"FS: When can we expect a new release from Children Of Bodom ?

COB: Just heard that the single will be out in finland in 1.7.02. New album hope that its gonna be out late this year, or early in the next.."

It definatley would have been imported to the US by now and someone would have heard it... and this interview was taken in april '02? wouldnt he just say "the single is already out in finland" ?