New Chimaira - The Age of Hell


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
So first to tracks are out. Born in Blood & Trigger Finger. Born in Blood is meh, Trigger Finger is awesome..

But what I'm really stunned by is the mix, I'm liking it.

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Schigel produced (and played drums), but I'm not sure about mix/master. I know Schigel has only ever produced/engineered on previous releases but I have a feeling he mixed on this one too? Just a guess though.
Sounds pretty good, but the guitar tone is a tad dull and thin in the low end for my taste, and I wish it were quad-tracked too. Reeeal hard to top what Sneap did with the guitars and drums on "Resurrection"...
this shit is dope as FUCK.

Zeuss is REALLY on his game as of late. loving his newest works.... fucking amazing!
gonna have to agree about the guitar tone on this one....not really diggin it. i wonder what was used?
They did mention it on that webcam interview they did a few months back. I can't seem to find it now though. I'm pretty sure it was just their trusty 6505+'s into a mesa cab, but it was multimic'd. Don't ask me what mics cos I can't remember, but I do specifically remember him saying it's only dual-tracked.

I actually quite like the tone, it's clear and present. Particularly compared to the tone on The Infection. That just sounded like it was in another room, so distant and muffled, hated it.
Not especially thrilled with the music - for the most part it feels like they stole riffs from their previous albums with the idea that it will sound like true Chimaira when the reality is they are just repeating themselves to play it safe.

As for the guitar tone - it's not that bad, it just reminds me of the tone on some Slayer albums, which I guess you could argue is exactly "bad" :D
And Jim. They all left for various reasons. Andols was approached by the band and was asked to leave. Then they changed their mind but he did it anyway. Chris got sick of the current music industry and is now working on other projects like computer game soundtracks etc. Jim... I can't remember, but I think he just 'retired'