New Coheed & Cambria song prog metal?

Sep 12, 2002
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I was a fan of the band since their last studio album, but this new song blows me away. It's appartently a sci-fi concept album. If this one song is a hint of what the whole album will be like it has a chance of topping my list for album of the year. You can listen to the song at here.
Check it out let me know if I'm the only one that thinks it sounds amazing.
I heard one of their songs on satellite radio, cant remember the name but i really liked it. The sound is bordering on prog. I had heard of them before but was under the impression they were a sum 41 or good charlotte type band. I am DEFINITELY going to check out some more of it.
they are (or were) an emo band... I don't buy the "prog" description, because I've heard the same thing about the new Green Day -- just because a band makes significant improvements in their songwriting doesn't make them "prog".

However, I'm saying this without having heard (or having any desire to hear) C&C's new stuff. Perhaps I'll check it out, and make an informed comment, instead of spewing uninformed bullshit, like I am now. :)
Yeah, I never liked this band because of their emo sound. This new song is tolerable though, even enjoyable. I'm still not the biggest fan of the guy's voice, but I think I'm gonna have to hear some more of this new album.
Wow - never heard of this band before (I guess they are an "american secret" :)), but that song just kicks major ass. It's awesome and could - no actually IT WILL - become a huge hit for them. Besides their obvious Led Zeppelin inspiration they seem to be going for quite an original sound. Damn this is good stuff and the video is brilliant.

How are the other discs of theirs compared to this?

Claus / Intromental said:
Wow - never heard of this band before (I guess they are an "american secret" :)), but that song just kicks major ass. It's awesome and could - no actually IT WILL - become a huge hit for them. Besides their obvious Led Zeppelin inspiration they seem to be going for quite an original sound. Damn this is good stuff and the video is brilliant.

How are the other discs of theirs compared to this?


Their music has matured a lot of the years. The early albums are garbage. They used to play straight emo/punk, like every other bands you'll hear on MTV/MTV2 nowadays. Then their last studio album "In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3" came out. Although many might not agree, I believe it had some major prog rock influences and found the album (other than a few songs) quite good and I would suggest it if you like prog rock. This new song though shows them going even further from their emo roots. This song sounds much heavier and more metal. Lets hope the whole album is this good.
okay, who are these guys, where are they from, as Claus said they kick major ass, i really like it, it's different, yet is in the vein of what i am listening to. Would i buy it, i do believe so.
I like some emo. Granted, like every other fad, it gets burned out fast because the mainstream media has no idea of what the term "VARIETY IN ROCK MUSIC" means, but some of that stuff is pretty catchy.
okay, okay, fine... I listened to it. ;)

Holy shit... this has absolutely NOTHING in common with the crappy emo they used to play... I definitely wouldn't call it "prog", because there aren't really any elements of it, other than the fact that it has keyboards... I'd call it melodic rock/metal, in the vein of Vanden Plas.

Not really my thing (I'm not too into the uber-melodic diet-metal scene; I usually prefer my music a little heavier and rougher around the edges), but I hope the emo kids who used to follow the band are still listening, and get a nice infusion of some actual TALENT AND ARTISTRY into their musical diet.
I actually went and listened to it. DAMN. I liked the band anyway, but that song is light years beyond even the best stuff I had from them.
I think the lable 'emo-whatever' does them a great disservice...and yes I would consider them to be progressive rock. I was a bit put off by the singer's voice at first, though I thought the music was great, but I've become accustomed to it now. His vocals sound much more accesible on the new song, to my ears. The new album is the third of a concept which is planned to run over five albums, if I'm not mistaken.
I had a few songs by this band, and I rather liked them. I read a magazine with a feature/interview on them. Their next album is the fourth in their series of concept albums with a plot in space. Claudio (the main guy/singer) said his favorite album is 'A Night At The Opera' by Queen, and also, they cover "The Trooper" by Iron Maiden at all of their shows.

The song I heard by them that I really liked was "Delirium Trigger." But it doesn't sound much anything like this new song.

P.S. Emo is not a musical descriptor. :p
WOW! I had never listened to them before, because I heard they were like a emocore band except one band, which is something I liked at one point but grew out of it like I did nu metal. This song is really bad ass the singer kind of sounds like the singer from Glassjaw, if any of you guys listen to them.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I had a few songs by this band, and I rather liked them. I read a magazine with a feature/interview on them. Their next album is the fourth in their series of concept albums with a plot in space. Claudio (the main guy/singer) said his favorite album is 'A Night At The Opera' by Queen, and also, they cover "The Trooper" by Iron Maiden at all of their shows.

The song I heard by them that I really liked was "Delirium Trigger." But it doesn't sound much anything like this new song.

P.S. Emo is not a musical descriptor. :p
I read that the 1st release was actually the 2nd pary of the story. The 2nd release was the 3rd part and this new one is the 4th part. The next album is supposed to be the first part of the story and then their 5th album will be the final part. So, they actually started with the 2nd part of the story.
Okay. The point was just that all of the albums were part of a concept. It sounded to me like some people thought all of a sudden they went from being pop to doing concept albums, but they were doing them before 'American Idiot.'