*NEW* Colossal Bass Instrument NKI

Sep 4, 2011
Jackson MS
Colossal Bass Instrument is NOW AVAILABLE! Colossal Bass Instrument features a Warwick Corvette 5 String bass. All notes tracked on D'Addario Pro Steel Strings.
•Multi-Sampled with intelligent alternate picking.
•Full note range all the way down to E1.
•Includes 3 fully processed tones plus the DI

After your purchase, you will be given a link for your download within 24 hours!

I'm gonna be honest here, dude. The samples provided on the site sound pretty bad. Especially compared to similar things on the market like Zombass, which I believe is $30. I'm sure you worked really hard on that Bass, and I'm not trying to belittle your efforts. But the $50 dollar price tag is definitely too steep for what you're selling. IMHO, YMMV, all that shit.
I'm gonna be honest here, dude. The samples provided on the site sound pretty bad. Especially compared to similar things on the market like Zombass, which I believe is $30. I'm sure you worked really hard on that Bass, and I'm not trying to belittle your efforts. But the $50 dollar price tag is definitely too steep for what you're selling. IMHO, YMMV, all that shit.

I actually have to agree with this post. Zombass 4, for example, is done with, I think, the same bass guitar, and includes different articulations in addition to alternate picking. I appreciate your effort though.

Perhaps *IF* you have any other basses that haven't been covered by other developers and the sound quality was better, then this would be a different story, from me at least.
I actually think it sounds pretty ok but yeah with Zombass 4 and Texas Grind being only 30$ it seems a little steep.
You have to realize, ZB4 is only $30 because its only a DI. This includes 3 fully processed tones. Which triples the amount of work. That means you have to cut the entire track of notes (over 2 hours worth) 3 extra times and make them into NKIs. Im not putting Alex and zombass down at all. He does his thing and I do mine. I honestly think that ZB4 is pretty solid. Theres no patent or copyright in the world of midi bass instruments! I respect your opinion if you dont necessarily like the sound, so im not at all saying trying to sound like i have my panties in a wad haha. Just promoting as best i can!
Hmm. That's weird I only have Zombass 1 but it comes with processed tones and a DI for sure so idk how 4 would only be a Di. Idk I'd have to check
I'll take a wild guess and say because they don't own one or can't play one.

Exactly. I'm not a bass player. I'm not cheap or lazy i'm simply not a bass player. It's not that easy to find someone to get the job done when you're getting deployed and/or stationed in frequent intervals so to me Vst's are a real help.
Sometimes it takes more work to get the product you are looking for. But when you are deciding on a price, the first and foremost thing is "What is it worth to the customers?" If ZomBass can be bought cheaper and gives you more, then people are going to go with that, most likely. Just because you say you put more work into it, doesn't mean you can sell it at a higher price. Rule number 1, think of the customers, not yourself. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean disrespect in any way, just some constructive criticism ,and only to help guide you in the right direction, because as far as i know, you are pretty young and i would assume are probably newish to selling a product. However, the samples sound pretty good to me, I like the grindy tones, being a sucker for grindy bass. I also like that you sampled all the notes down to E1 (which as far as i know is an octave below E standard on a 4 string bass?). But me personally, I would rather buy Zombass considering your price tag. If I were to put the price tag on it, comparing it with the other product, I would pay 20 bucks for this. And that's only because it does in fact include the pre-processed tones, although I would not use them in my own mixes, maybe for jamming or just tracking. Also, I would consider redoing the demo on the site, as the way you present the tones comes off a little unprofessional. Anyways, best of luck with your product.

The funnest part of tracking! Coming from a guitar nee bass player.

Honest opinion is, with everyone using drum samples, the same bass VSTi, the same guitar amp vsts, impulses....

I don't hear a whole lot of commercial releases with all these things. They're usually limited to ITB guys. It's annoying hearing uncreative things with these plugins, but its entirely possible to pull a unique mix using them. (Its just most people don't bother trying.)

They certainly have raised the bar on the lowest common denominator. Before EZD/trillian/TSE, people were using midi piano drum sounds, pitch shifted guitar and metalzones. I, for one, am pretty damn glad those days are behind us.