New CR song(Metal Foundry, Gearbox, Impulses)


New Metal Member
Jun 20, 2010
Just finished this, waiting for lyrics from the vocalist so heres the instrumental. Would be cool with some feedback on the mix. This is the first time I have used impulses and I think it sounds pretty good.

And just FYI, the first part of the solo thing will most likely be changed...not so happy with it :p
i don't know, it sounds muffled, and the guitars has odd noises from the cab impulse.
and the intro sounds really similar to meaning in tragedy by as i lay dying (not a good thing, but it's not like you should take that off)
i don't know, it sounds muffled, and the guitars has odd noises from the cab impulse.
and the intro sounds really similar to meaning in tragedy by as i lay dying (not a good thing, but it's not like you should take that off)

Muffled ? Odd noises ? Can you please elaborate on that ?

I have never heard that song of As I lay dying and dont even like the band so thats odd...Had a listen to it now and I really dont think it sounds similar at all.

Thanks for taking the time to listen though :)