New Cynic

I got Traced In Air not to long ago. I do like it alot from a guitar point of view. Haven't heard the first album yet though.
I'll add it to my list of things to look forward to.
I'm pre-ordering this when I get a chance. Also, I feel like a terrible person for having my.... "Acquired" copy of Traced in Air since it came out. :lol: Friday, this situation will be fixed.

Can't wait to hear this!
Paul Masvidal describes this new EP as "both a philosophical as well as a musical journey, one that begins in the Amazon jungle on the lips of a shamanic wisewoman (as portrayed by Amy Correia) and ends in outerspace".

Hahahaha YES. This is great. I love the subject of it all. From what Paul has said and the song titles there it looks like it's about an Ayahuasca trip.