New Darkadian track finished!... sort of...


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
Need a few pointers on this one I think.

This is a SUPER old song back from when I was the only member in the band :lol:

Darkadian - No More Room In Hell

Now, mastering seems to be where I had most of the problems, particularly the clean section. Can anyone hear - when the heavy bit fades away and the clean guitars come in, they fade up in volume as the compressor relaxes from the heavy part. I can't seem to get it to blend well, and the attack of the cleans is all over the place! One minute it's fine, the next minute it's peaking.

Also, thoughts on the kick would be nice. I've been trying to nail a really saturated huge wet kick lately, ala DevilDriver/Fozzy etc. Tips would be awesome.

Any thoughts on the tone are also appreciated!

Matt :kickass:
I dig it man, once again.
Guitars and bass guitar sound great although the guitars could stand to have maybe 0.5dB shaved off around 7KHz.
Snare doesn't have quite enough push, it seems a little subdued and held back in the mix, and contributes to giving the mix a smaller feel than it should
Yeah man me and my drummer sat down and worked hard on the snare last night. He's used piccolos for years you see, thought I'd try to replicate his sound but after a discussion we came to the conclusion that it might not work for this band, so we worked on something entirely different, will post an update shortly!