new darkthrone got leaked!


There was nothing...
Jul 26, 2003
New York, NY
the new darkthrone somehow got leaked. ive heard rumors that nocturno gave it to a select few people and somehow it got online, and now hes pretty pissed. scheduled release date isnt till september either. the leaked version is 128 kbps and only has 7 songs..:

Information Wants To Be Syndicated 4:20 Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath 128 kbps
Sjakk Matt Jesu Krist 4:03 Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath 128 kbps
Straightening Sharks 3:26 Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath 128 kbps
Alle Gegen Alle 3:21 Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath 128 kbps
Mann Tanker Sitt 3:04 Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath 128 kbps
God Of Doubt 4:33 Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath 128 kbps
Silent Majority 3:56 Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath 128 kbps
I HAVE to get this as soon as possible. *Shivers with anticipation*

I downloaded it.. And YES, YES, it is good, and YES, it is better than their three/four latest efforts. Very good production, not so clean like the one on Hate Them, but a tad more raw. Riff-wise it reminds me of some of the ideas heard on Hate Them, but with a more interesting twist. "Sjakk Matt Jesus Krist" (Chess Mate Jesus Christ) quite reminds me of "Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner" at places, and some of the evil, morbid riffing of "Transilvanian Hunger" is also present. And listening to the chorus of "Straightening Sharks" also makes me think of the melodic-in-a-strange-way riffs on TH. Ah. This is indeed good stuff.
It is indeed called Sardonic Wrath. But fret not, my son. This is good stuff. I've just given this little gem a thorough listen. I really, really like it. Expect no new Transilvanian Hunger, but it is a quality record nonetheless.

The last track, "Silent Majority", has a similar feel and riffing style to "Inn I De Dype Skogers Favn" from "Under A Funeral Moon", with some rather ABITNS-sounding parts too. The vocals on that track are really ace too. Killer track. Classic.

The Celtic Frost worship is also present on this album. "Man Tenker Sitt" (mis-spelled "Man Tanker Sitt" on the mp3 release) gave me the "Panzerfaust"-vibes.

The only song that I don't really like is "Alle Gegen Alle", a mid-tempo affair. It may grow on me, though.
A Blaze in the Northern Sky and Soulside Journey were their best IMO, though Soulside Journed was much different that the rest in than it was not a black metal CD. After their first four CDs, Panzerfaust is the only one I really like.
I only have ABITNS, Fuberal Moon and Transylvanian Hunger and from what i've heard numerous times, I have no particular ambition to get any of their other records.
High On Maiden said:
I only have ABITNS, Fuberal Moon and Transylvanian Hunger and from what i've heard numerous times, I have no particular ambition to get any of their other records.
Soulside Journey is very good, though death metal, and not black metal. It is a very good old school death metal CD.
Repeated listens have for me exposed Transilvanian Hunger's slight inferiority to Under A Funeral Moon. The latter is more varied and atmospheric.