New David Lynch film takes place where I live.

General Zod said:
But the simple fact of the matter is, when some bands break the rules, the music sounds like shit. And personally, I award no points to shitty music, just because it managed to be different on some level.
Yeah I'll agree with that. I praise bands that push boundaries, but first and foremost, only if I enjoy what they are doing. Like I can respect Halo, Burst, and any other number of groups not bound by convention, but most importantly I don't enjoy them, so you won't hear me go on and on about how awesome they are. Because they aren't. WTF. Somebody came into my office to talk about a hot chick that was in here earlier, my train of thought is fucked.

Guess I'll just end this and say I hope nobody thinks I'm trying to pick on Zod, cuz I love ya brutha. :loco:
lizard said:
is there an inherent contradiction between "done right" and "discards rules?"

haha actually I understand what he's saying.

It does sound contradictory on paper, but the two phrases rely on different value judgements, the former being a matter of personal taste and the latter is focused on the methods of composition. It is a valid means of denouncing unconventional music that sounds like random noise. Another way to make this statement positively would be to say "music that successfully breaks with tradition."
As for Lynch, I have little reservation about calling him a genius...
One Inch Man said:
See, that's a rule.
Perhaps, but I think we're arguing semantics at this point. I said, "I have no problem with tossing out the rules. I love music (when done right) that discards rules." Essentially, I'm saying that I like bands that stretch boundaries, but I don't like it when that stretching devolves into shit. As you eluded to, the point at which that occurs is one of personal taste.

One Inch Man said:
Now this makes no sense to me at all. There has to be some meaning behind everything done? Why? What if it just sounds cool, isn't that enough?
That's certainly enough. And if we bring this back around to where the conversation started, "Mulholland Drive" isn't "cool" on any level. It's simply pretentious. If you think it has art, or value, or both, that's your opinion and you're welcome to it.

Mulholland Drive is a movie I really like... why? Because .. its crazy, man.
Is it deep? is it supposed to make any sense? I really doubt it. Lynch's work does not seem pretentious to me because of this. If you can be weird, and do it well, more power to you. More often than not weird for the sake of weird just turns out to be crap.
I watch it because its a trip, and I can make something different of it whenever I watch it. Its an enjoyable film watching experience for me. The music, the sights, so yes, its all just art, and the only redeeming factor is I can enjoy it.. I can't give any other reasons on why its good, because hey thats all that matters to me.

But also thats why Lynch movies aren't my complete favorites, exactly because I think his movies are just artsy for the sake of artsy. And I don't get anything deeper out of them than just a good time.

so, Lynch is the psychedelic prostitute of the film industry.