New death-ish metal project


Mar 6, 2007
I'm working on a new death-metally sounding project with a buddy (on vocals, none recorded yet) and I've recently finished up the rhythm sections (guitars, bass and drums) but before I start on the leads and vocals, I'm just wondering if anyone else can hear anything in this mix that I might fix or etc with what I've got so far.
I appreciate any and all feedback/tips/suggestions. Cheers :kickass:

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Try and make em sound more natural! Dont try to get everything so perfect, it sound too digital if you want this to sound like osdm.
I agree that the cymbals were entirely too prominent. Really cutting into the mix. and that the fills sound a little too perfect. But other than that, it sounds pretty solid.

got rid of the saturation on the overheads (the drum bus has saturation anyway) and slightly rolled some highs off as well as turned the volume down a bit. I added some more highs and increased the gain on the kick (sounds better to my ears now!) and excited the lows for the overall mix.
Oh and gave the guitars a slight mid-boost.

I hear what you mean about the fills being too perfect... should I displace the hits, do you think? I'm kind of partial to the machine type feel but am open to suggestions of course. Thanks for checking this out everybody! I really appreciate it.
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