New deathcore mix

Sounds pretty good to me, though i'm listening on earbuds, at the moment, so i can't really critique it well.

Edit: Pretty sick guitar tone, btw!
ha idunno their other song they recorded has some for sure but definitely mix wise. they really like rose funeral and whitechapel though. but i prefer mixes that are a little more clean cut than that tho.

heres a newer mix and i think i like it a little bit more. this may be the final but i need to turn down the bass drops. which one do you guys like better?

actually nvm. i need to back off the master some.
Sounds pretty good to me :) there's a couple of bits where the guitars tremolo pick and it seems a bit quiet in the mix but I am using my phone so that could be why :) at 1:52 you should add a little bit of reverb to the snare while the lead plays, I think it will give a sweet feel to that section, I'm not a sound engineer or a producer but I listen to a lot of deathcore :D you've got some good sounds out of pod farm :) we just bought the line 6 HD 300 and HD 400 and we have been recording using the tones in them, and it slams all over the basic pod farm tones and eliminates the need for any cab impulses, you should look into getting the 300 as its only about £240 :) and will make your mixes sound much fuller, only downside is that you can't really edit the tone after recording :/ what is the name of the band? Do they have a Facebook page?