New Deprecated track featuring Terrance Hobbs of Suffocation


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2011
Originally formed in 1996, Deprecated released the 4 song EP Deriding His Creation in 1998. Since then, its members have played in bands such as Suffocation, Decrepit Birth, Disgorge, Defeated Sanity, Deeds of Flesh, Dying Fetus, Vital Remains, Vile and Criminal Elements. They are back from the grave in 2011 with a potent new line up including Terrance Hobbs of Suffocation and Matt Sotelo of Decrepit Birth. Along with original members AJ Magana, Derek Boyer and Torrey Moores, Deprecated plans to release the long awaited LP Engulfing Delusions soon.

Here is a link to Deprecated's facebook page where you can find more information about the reunion.

Check out the new track entitled "The Fall of His Supremacy" on the player below.
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photo by: Jon Bickford Photography