New Devildriver...

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
It's actually decent and takes a step back from the whole metalcore thing going on. The solos are quite interesting in some parts; not too complicated and not just mindless sweeping like countless other bands. Melodies OMG!!!!!11 I can't believe I'm saying it, but I kinda dig the new album. Finally, a fairly recent American band that plays something besides polka.
That was pretty cool, but it actually sounded like Coal Chamber instead of his Devildriver. I bought the album before this and was not impressed AT ALL, then I downloaded the new one on a whim and was pleasantly surprised.

It sounds nothing like that video, you'll be pleased to hear. Unless you like their older stuff, that is.
No, I don't like the older stuff at all. But I suppose I could give it a try; piracy is a fun and educational process.

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Dead Winter, I am calling you out.

I know that you got into FotN and stuff recently, so I've been able to overlook certain aspects of your musical taste, but this is unforgivable.

Prepare to die.
The older stuff just sounded like Coal Chamber on steroids, and that wasn't what I was looking for. The new one sounds almost like a different band.

Maybe you'll think it's shit or maybe you'll like it. I thought it was pretty decent. It's got decent hooks and melodies and obviously isn't breaking any new ground or anything, but I enjoyed it.

It sounds like it could've been released in 2000 or so, before metalcore got huge.
When I saw them live about a year ago you could tell easily when they played an old song, because the quality of the show dipped each time.
The older stuff just sounded like Coal Chamber on steroids, and that wasn't what I was looking for. The new one sounds almost like a different band.

Maybe you'll think it's shit or maybe you'll like it. I thought it was pretty decent. It's got decent hooks and melodies and obviously isn't breaking any new ground or anything, but I enjoyed it.

It sounds like it could've been released in 2000 or so, before metalcore got huge.

yeah i actually dig some of there older stuff like Grinfucked, the new album has yet to have been heard by my ears but it sounded good in the commercial, im actually going to see them tommorow at Ozzfest (yes har har ozzfest but its the only concert to come close to maine)
Dead Winter, I am calling you out.

I know that you got into FotN and stuff recently, so I've been able to overlook certain aspects of your musical taste, but this is unforgivable.

Prepare to die.

C'mon Moose! It isn't THAT bad, is it?

Maybe I need to turn in my metalhead card or something. I feel myself drifting away further and further these days, anyway.

I think you'll like my band, though...if you like Fear Factory meets Samael meets old CoF with a touch of Anaal Nathrakh and the cold, clinical-ness of Meshuggah's Chaosphere album. NOT THAT IT'S ANYTHING LIKE MESHUGGAH, it's just that sort of bleak and bereft of human touch kind of feel. New album's almost out and as soon as my godlike drummer gives the ok, I'll post a few tracks. It's his baby and I'm just his guitar bitch for this album. The next album will have my input because, well, I came into the band after it was finished. It's cold as a glacier, very futuristic, a concept album.

We need a singer or a guitar player for live stuff. I can play guitar and sing, but not simultaneously. So if you guys wanna come live here and either sing or play guitar, you're always welcome.
C'mon Moose! It isn't THAT bad, is it?

Maybe I need to turn in my metalhead card or something. I feel myself drifting away further and further these days, anyway.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I turned in my own metalhead card a long time ago.

I think you'll like my band, though... [...] NOT THAT IT'S ANYTHING LIKE MESHUGGAH,

Chiming in to say I like this album. Its got a pretty consistent quality of riffs all the way through, though it dips towards the end. The outro to Clouds over california is fucking sick
I gotta throw that out there, ya know? If you say, "Yeah, my band sounds kinda like Meshuggah", you're either gonna get a blow job or get punched in the face.
Chiming in to say I like this album. Its got a pretty consistent quality of riffs all the way through, though it dips towards the end. The outro to Clouds over california is fucking sick

I really like the mini arpeggio, open note riff in that song.

The last song has a really cool hammond organ towards the end of it that I really dig.

I think that's why I like the's a riff-driven album that's solid.
Moose, what made you go to the un-dark side?

I don't really have a problem with metal, per se. I've loved metal since I was 5 and I always will. I think it's the genre's unwritten rules that I have a problem with. The whole, "You're not a metalhead unless you do this, blah blah blah."