New Devildriver...

Moose, what made you go to the un-dark side?

I don't really have a problem with metal, per se. I've loved metal since I was 5 and I always will. I think it's the genre's unwritten rules that I have a problem with. The whole, "You're not a metalhead unless you do this, blah blah blah."

That's pretty much it. I was fed up with the posturing and crap. Plus I found some pretty damn awesome music that's not even close to being metal, so there.
Segregating music into metal and non-metal is really asinine, anyway. It means your tastes revolve around metal. Live a little.

From now on the centerpoint will be polka. Everything is either polka or non-polka. Every man shall be provided with a small, but perfect Archbishop Spellman that is self inflatable; courtesy of air reduction.
Asinine? That's a bit of a stretch. Everyone favours one genre in particular.

5000 metal songs and 1000 rap songs and 1000 pop songs and 1000 country songs.

At this point it's clearly a metal/non-metal scenario.
Yeah I did, because I thought my ultimatemetal pun was so funny it needed to be left on its own. UNDILUTED. Besides, that point was already made in the appropriate thread.
Segregating music into metal and non-metal is really asinine, anyway. It means your tastes revolve around metal. Live a little.

From now on the centerpoint will be polka. Everything is either polka or non-polka. Every man shall be provided with a small, but perfect archbishops spellbook that is self inflatable; courtesy of air reduction.

I'm not segregating the music, though. I see what you're saying and I agree that I like good MUSIC, no matter what genre. I couldn't have put it any better than Moose when he called it "posturing". That's it in a nutshell: posturing.

Of course, many other individuals who enjoy heavy metal feel the same way and I'm not broad brushing everyone who listens to heavy metal a posturer. It's just the 90% of metalheads who DO the posturing that I'm sick to death of.

For instance, why do you have to be completely blitzed when you go to metal festivals? If you want to get hammered, you don't need to go to a concert and ruin it for everyone else. Why dress up in spikes, chains, chain mail, helmets, etc if you don't do it every day and you're not in a band that has a "theme" as such, such as black metal or viking metal? I suppose I'll always wear my band t-shirts and long sleeves but it's not to say I'm a metalhead or anything. It's actually pretty much my entire wardrobe. I even teach English in my Nevermore, Emperor, and Satyricon long sleeves sometimes. I'm not 16 and I'm not trying to make any sort of statement.

I love great music, no matter what type of music it is, and I will never segregate it unless I'm trying to describe it to someone. Is Ulver metal anymore? No, but it's fucking brilliant. The same goes to Professor Fate.

I do, however, like the idea of segregating the polka and non-polka. 99.9% of the time, metal with a strictly polka beat that's not polka metal is shit. If I want to hear polka metal, I'll listen to Finntroll because they do it well. I don't need metalcore to play it over and over again simply because they don't have the ability/ideas to do anything different.

Again, it's the posturing that I'm getting tired of, not the music itself.
So the music is pretty good overall, a handful of really great riffs here and there.... but the vocals are lame. So they've gotten better, and it's not too shabby then, eh? Quality guitar work. But.. meh.

Edit: that hammond organ at the end is indeed rockin'
So the music is pretty good overall, a handful of really great riffs here and there.... but the vocals are lame. So they've gotten better, and it's not too shabby then, eh? Quality guitar work. But.. meh.

Edit: that hammond organ at the end is indeed rockin'

That's what I'm talking about! It's good guitar work and great riffs, but overall it's still a little...meh. It's not a bad album and it's nice to listen to, but it's definitely not breaking any new ground.

However, that hammond organ does bring a new air to the song, and I hope they continue to experiment in this vein and not become just another American metal band.