New Dio compilation

Spiff said:
He has songs of wildebeests and angels
He has soared on the wings of a demon
It's time to pass the torch
You're too old to rock, no more rockin' for you
We're taking you to a home
But we will sing a song about you


:( Dio IS metal! None more metal. None! :rock:
No, not as metal as Dio. Vivian beat him to the guitar job in the band I heard, after that Metal Mickey went on a binge drinking rampage and was never heard from again.

Dio - 1 Metal Mickey - 0
Wrathchild said:
Sacred Heart is on the first disc. A live version, no less!

No plans for an Aussie release, but I'm not beaten yet. One of my (ahem) *contacts* should be able to get it for me at a reasonable price ;).


Ahem could your contacts maybe manage to jag another copy of this and Sabbaths Symptom of the Sabbath , I guess he/she works at warners or rhino in Australia somewhere thay are both put out on the warners/rhino label .

let me know , Cheers .........
Actually it's a shop in Adelaide run by an old friend of mine who was also in charge of the CD store at uni back in my student days. His prices are great and he's very good when it comes to imports. Will give him a shout after Easter and see what I can arrange.