New discovery... Gravemachine...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
So I was perusing a Metal blog site that posts a handful of new disc each day. Honestly, it was the artwork that caught my eye. I figured what the hell, I'll give it a spin.


One listen in and I find myself digging the shit out of this disc. Musically, it's a fairly strange blend of Dark, Progressive, Pagan, Power Metal, that has some very nice lead guitar work strategically placed throughout. From song to song, you never get a sense of where they're going next, but it always ends up some place enjoyable. The vocals are handled by two guys. The clean vocals have shades of Barlow. The darker vocals feature a pair of Black Metal styles; one traditional (used sparingly) and one more reminiscent of Immortal (with a touch of King Diamond's low rasp).

A bit more, from the band's MySpace:

From the cold west coast of Norway hails Gravemachine. Born from the dying light of Dawnstrider, Gravemachine will combine progressive melodic metal with dark sinister moods to give you a truly unique metal experience.

Gravemachine was founded in 2002 under the name Dawnstrider. In 2005 our present line up was completed and the Dawnstrider demo was released. Following this recording the musical expression changed, with the inclusion of grim vocals and more aggressive instrumental work. The progression of our music culminated in changing the band name to Gravemachine.

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Zod - did you buy the disc or download the MP3's? I can't find a physical CD - only MP3 downloads.
I downloaded a torrent. I'd now like to buy the CD. However, the physical media is currently available only as an expensive import. I've e-mailed the band asking if they have plans for U.S. distribution.

Nice find Zod, I'm digging it. Do you have a link to this blog? Sounds really interesting.
I like it. I hope they mix up the formula a bit on the album.
I'll say this... the rest of the disc doesn't sound like this track. And I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this disc blind, based on the expectation that the CD contains 9 more cookie-cutter songs like the one posted. I'll also say, this song is clearly the best choice for a single/video. The rest of the disc is very strong, but not quite as instant as this track.

Friendly reminder..

Whether you agree or disagree with downloading, I will not allow any links out of respect to all bands that frequent this forum.

I'm sorry. I meant a link to the blog where he discovered the band's existence. Not to the torrent. Sorry for any confusion; I meant no disrespect.
Got a response from the band...

Hi Greg!

Glad you liked it:)

We're not planning US distribution this side of the summer, unless something special happens (this is our debut album).

You can check out and see what price you get there, and I'll get back to you if I find any better options.

