New Testament...

I knew something was up when we began getting requests for "anything from the new Testament" at WREKage. With our audience, that's pretty unusual. So I got it on iTunes for WREKage airplay and it really IS awesome. :headbang:
Young Guns called and wants their "quote" back :)
Did I steal that from Young Guns? It's amazing what gets stuck in your brain and dusted off for later use. On a side note, Estevez was awesome in those flicks.

Hey Zod, You have impeccable taste in metal. I can't believe you don't like Testament's back catalog. Their new one does rule indeed. It's by far the best thrast metal disc of 2012. However, you must also re-investigate their earlier stuff. The Gathering is possibly their finest work post-Skolnick. It is very heavy, and I know you like it heavy. Also, you should go back and listen to Practice What You Preach and The New Order. The former is more melodic while the latter is heavier. They're both milestone in thrash, though.
First, thank you. Second, it's not so much that I don't like their back catalog... I'm just unfamiliar with it. For whatever reason, I just never listened to them. I can't quite say why. Given that you and Britt, and a few others have recommended I start checking out some of their older works, I'm going to do just that. Thanks.

Also, on a side note, Zod, if you haven't heard Ne Obliviscaris' Portal of I, I highly recommend you check it out. It's like earlier Opeth, Ephel Duath, To-Mera, Ihsahn, later-day Emperor, Alcest, and Leprous all mixed into a unique sound. Some of the best metal to come out of Australia, in my opinion.
Agreed... excellent disc. I know a lot of folks around here are digging the new Ihsahn, I personally think the Ne Obliviscaris is superior.

By the way, have you checked out the debut by Oddland? Great Prog Metal, with hints of Zero Hour and Incubus.
I think the "stinker" to me was "demonic". I just couldn't get into that cd, an it was because ALL the vocals were done death metal style and didn't have the creativity testament is known for.

I actually like that album by them as well.

Demonic was a band trying to compete with the fall of thrash and rise of death metal as a dominant force at the time. It's a great mix of the two genres.

I least they didn't go the dreaded "alternative rock" movement at the time.

I knew something was up when we began getting requests for "anything from the new Testament" at WREKage. With our audience, that's pretty unusual. So I got it on iTunes for WREKage airplay and it really IS awesome. :headbang:

That's pretty cool!

I've been a huge Testament since day one, seen them on every tour since "The New Order", they've always been great live. I do really enjoy the new disc, I don't think IMO that it's better than "The New Order", "Practice What you Preach", "The Legacy", "The Gathering" or "Low". Though I put it pretty close, and it could be up there after a few more spins. I'm not a fan of "Demonic", Electric Crown is one of the few good tracks off the "Ritual", and "Souls of Black" was just pretty good. They do still remain one of my favorites, and I'll keep paying to see them play (three times off their last tour). I'm just glad to see they are still going strong afte all these years. Oh yeah, Powerslave is just all sorts of AWESOME!!!