New discovery of something old....


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I listen to A LOT of music. I'm steeped in Zeppelin, Sabbath, and Maiden, but keep up most of the new stuff; ISIS, Enslaved, Opeth as well....everything. Anyhoo, I make a point of checking out one of the very few older bands that have escaped my radar from time to time, and lo and behold, I've found a new love....

Thin Lizzy. Lordy lord, why did know one I know tell me to run out and get Live And Dangerous, and presumably everything else. I can't get this CD out of my player. Feel free to weigh in....

Incidentally, I love disccovering bands like this.....ooooooh....a whole discography to go through. The chances get rarer and rarer as you move on (I buy a lot of CDs after all, and have for years). Sooner or later, you just run out of old bands to checkout.

Anyway, Thin Fucking Lizzy. Any fans here?
Thin Lizzy? Nah I just own all their albums :D
Thin Lizzy is a classic. They certainly did have a unique sound. I remember when Phil Lynott died in 1986; my friends and I all gathered to smoke much pot, drink much beer and play Thin Lizzy all night in honor of Phil.

I've also noticed alot of Thin Lizzy songs being used as background music on commercials and on sportscasts lately. It warms my heart to hear this.
Well, the thing is, The Boys Are Back In Town can throw you, if that's all you've heard I mean. I used to pretty much hate that song. In the larger scope of their work, now I think it's fine. But songs like Massacre, Emerald (on the heavier side), and Southbound and a million others on the more pure rock side are all just awesome. Phil was the man! I'm a new Thin Lizzy fanatic. Yeah, this phase is gonna last awhile....they are all I've listened to for a couple weeks now. Just added Jailbreak and Bad Reputation to the collection, and am interested in checking some of the later John Sykes stuff later in the week. Any suggestions. I'm thinking Renegade, but will listen to advice to be sure...

Let me know.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I'd highly recommend Chinatown! It's got some pretty heavy stuff on it.

Right on!
Black Rose (Roisin Dubh) is another masterpiece and features guitar genius Gary Moore as well! I especially dig the Irish elements in the title track, awesome!

BTW, did anyone watch their concert from Sydney 1978? Moore shredded impossibly there! :worship: Their Rainbow concert is great as well...
Indeed "Chinatown" has a definitive "change" of sound for the band, undoubtely more metallic than its predecessors. Lynnot was clever enough to know what NWOBHM was coming to, and he show to everyone than he and the boys in the band were ready to rock as good as any newer band.

Sadly the band split after their heaviest album and Phil died from a overdose before the band could reunited in 1986.

Is ironic that the last song of the last album is called "Heart Attack" Papa I'm dying of an overdose, overdose, overdose
I tried to warn you don't come too close
. Prophetic isn't it?
SickBoy said:
Right on!
Black Rose (Roisin Dubh) is another masterpiece and features guitar genius Gary Moore as well! I especially dig the Irish elements in the title track, awesome!

BTW, did anyone watch their concert from Sydney 1978? Moore shredded impossibly there! :worship: Their Rainbow concert is great as well...

You got that right Sick Boy!!!
Black Rose is a must have. Not one note out of place on that album. :headbang:

Yes! I used to have a copy of the Sydney show. My only problem with it was that it wasn't long enough. THEN, I lent it to a "friend". Of course Never saw it again :yell:
Mxgonzo said:
Yes! I used to have a copy of the Sydney show. My only problem with it was that it wasn't long enough. THEN, I lent it to a "friend". Of course Never saw it again :yell:

Then download it :D
Just make sure it's that 700MB version, the one around 200MB is pretty crappy qualitywise