New djenty tech metal thingy, Like Vom,Boo,bulb etc. (s2.0, axefx)


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008
Hey guys, made this for my band "Entrosolet"

Usually the songs are more simple, still polyrhythmicy and stuff, but yeah, slower paced, this one was an all out workout on the hands D: gonna be fun live!

Any feedback would be appreciated, i've changed the snare for the first time in a long time, so it might not sound up to scratch. Only spent an hour mixing this

The guitar sounds a little raspy to me on some headphones, although i'm not too sure, let me know again if possible please :worship: - Structures (mix 1).mp3

EDIT: Second mix - Structures (mix 2).mp3

EDIT2: Third mix - Structures (mix 3).mp3
Man sounds fucking awesome as per usual.
I'd definitely spend a little bit of time working out that snare, it sounds a bit cloudy IMHO.

But the song is awesome regardless.
PS. I have got so many people into Bleeding Skies, hahaha.
That snare is really cloudy to my ears. You have strange noises over the song. Must be something of editing process.
Thanks guys, i knew the snare would need work, any suggestions? also the popping is due to my shitty hard drive i believe, :(

It only happens when i get alot of stuff going at once, either that or my shitty ram.
Make a cut between 150hz and 250hz and if needed boost between 6khz and 8khz. You could also add a good reverb, because it sounds too dry.
I'd cut around the 700hz ish frequncy from the snare, it's pretty boxy sounding, and has very little top end, might breath better with the cut.

Cool song and writing as usual though :) I probably haven't told you before how much I enjoy your stuff :)

You mean more snap in the second mix?

I thought the guitars were maybe a little overgained too, i guess i'll sort it in the final version once all the riff changes that are needed have been done!
cool stuff as usual darren...
take a look at the clipping/noises as allready been said.
personally i dont think that the snare sounds that much different than in your other more balls, but the snaresound itself is quite similar imo.
if you get more drive on it it would be great i think.
guitarsound awesome as usual :headbang:
and writing too of course ; )
oh and yeah, back of the gain on the guitars a bit, some i think some of the notes get lost in that way (was thinking the same thing during hearing "look at the sky" the first time)
Really awesome tune man. Guitar tone is nice and heavy and clear, I dont think it's that overgained. Snare has an awesome crack, I like it. Overall awesome song and mix.
Thanks guys! Yeah the snare does sound similar, it's all s2.0 but it's a different snare than what I usually use.

The popping is a fucking pain in the ass! FFFFFFFUUUUU-

It always seems to happen during recording sessions, I can't get rid of it until I rerecord it. Think it's something to do with either my ram or my hard disk.