new Dream Theater

as there seems to be few bands who are a love em or hate em proposition as much as Dream Theater, I am always interested to read the rantings on message boards about Portnoy's drumming, LaBrie losing his range, etc etc etc.

Well they'll be back again in mere weeks, sparking off more endless and pointless debates. What do you suppose the song titles of the new album indicate? Is the cover intended to convey a new turn into a darker tone? A detour into a darker philosophical forest, as it were?

Am I full of shit? Am I prescient? Decide for yourselves!
Looks like they went a little bit off the deep end into jesus territory like Neal Morse. I predict that there'll be some good moments and some not so good moments (the instrumental moments and moments with singing, respectively).
I'll be checking it out first either by downloading or listening to a friends copy before I decide whether to buy it. Unless it goes on sale at best buy for like 9 bucks, which it very well might.
that's prolly a collectors item now lol

I've been losing track of dream theater. I didn't even know about 6 degrees of inner turbulence (which I do like the first disc of) until i happened to be in a cd store the day it came out, didn't hear about this new one till i read this thread.
i have always liked dream theater much to my bandmates' dismay. the last album was kind of bleh but images and words and scenes from a memory are two of my favoritist albums except some of the wankery on them detracts from the overall coolness of the songs imo.
i like james labrie most of time. the only time he bothers me is when he tries to sing like a tough guy. i mean i say if you are a complete wimpy singer such as he you need to just embrace it and go with it and not try to convince the audience otherwsie because it soudns forced and not authentic.
chupe i love how you can always find a way to interject some kind of comment into threads about certain bands and they are always so neutral like "i have this cd but haven't listened to it in a few years i should give it another listen."
in reality, i never do. i just try to be genial.

actually, i have a ton of stuff i never listen(ed) to and seriously need to dump that crap. i'd probably be able to sell like 100 cds and not miss them. how many times would i listen to Troll's Drep de Kristne anyway?
I like 'em, but I used to like them a lot more a few years ago. I'll definitely pick it up. I hope Rudess lays off the "choir" voice on his keyboard, though, that pisses me off every time I hear it.
I agree, he definitely comes across as someone who has an uncontrollable compulsion to show off...of course, everyone in DT has that affliction, but Jordan often sounds like he's playing in a different room or deliberately trying to sabotage the proceedings.
LaBrie is clearly the weak link in the band, and always has been. Hopefully Rudess is a little more sedated this time around. I much prefer his playing when he tries to blend in and add to the music (i.e. when he's musical) as opposed to showing off the fact that he got into Julliard when he was 9.