New Dream Theater

Awesome album , one of their bests. I have tickets to see them April 3 at the Theater in Madison Square Garden. I cannot wait. Three solid hours of Dream Theater.
First Blood said:
It's not the fact that there's rap included in the album, it's that the rap is terrible and sorely out of place.
well like i said it all comes down to whether you want to let 20 seconds of that ruin a 70 minute album. yes or no? take your pick. apparantly a lot of people pick yes, and to them I say:

I love it. Only Images & Words tops it among the other DT albums. The riffing and songwriting on the album is plain excellent, and I love LaBries vocals.
The songs also sounded fucking brilliant live \m/
ToT it's the worst album of Dream Theater. With Images and Words, Awake and Scenes from a Memory i don't want any more of Dream Theater.