New "Eddies" Fanzine Cover Art...


Paint Brush Pusher
Dec 3, 2005
This isn't the actual painting , just a quick mock up in photoshop from my rough pencil sketch....Although missing alot of the usual detail ,its a nice way to get a colour study done before the actual painting , which will be done this weekend.
This piece is a full blown wraparound cover so if something looks missing , its probably on the back...:p

Ha !

I'm trying to get this as close as possible to actual Normandy type equipment etc etc etc...I'll probably sit through the entire Band of Brothers series and Saving Private Ryan this wek...twice !!! Alot to do by Sunday.

I think your airborne patch might work better with the Parachuting Eddie Idea I have.
Tap_Legion2 said:
Ha !

I'm trying to get this as close as possible to actual Normandy type equipment etc etc etc...I'll probably sit through the entire Band of Brothers series and Saving Private Ryan this wek...twice !!! Alot to do by Sunday.

I think your airborne patch might work better with the Parachuting Eddie Idea I have.

That's something I know A LOT about! I have 35 parachute jumps. I have jumped from C-130's, C-141's, Huey's, Blackhawks, and a Chinook. I even got two jumps into Egypt, and 3 into Panama! :rock:

On the Normandy Equipment deal, I invite you to join

Its a free website where a lot of other paratrooper vets hang out and we can help you get your artwork authentic. My handle there is ParaPete. Just long in and post an intro telling them about yourself and what you are trying to do under "USP Reception Center >> Replacement Detachment- DEPs, Wannabes, Civilians"

Archmagician said:
That's something I know A LOT about! I have 35 parachute jumps. I have jumped from C-130's, C-141's, Huey's, Blackhawks, and a Chinook. I even got two jumps into Egypt, and 3 into Panama! :rock:

On the Normandy Equipment deal, I invite you to join

Its a free website where a lot of other paratrooper vets hang out and we can help you get your artwork authentic. My handle there is ParaPete. Just long in and post an intro telling them about yourself and what you are trying to do under "USP Reception Center >> Replacement Detachment- DEPs, Wannabes, Civilians"


OK Archmag, I have a question for you - I have some parachute patches that belonged to my dad. My sister and I divided them up as personal mementos to pass on to our kids one day, but I've always wondered (and he is no longer with us to ask) How does it work with them - do you get a patch every time you complete a jump?

The only things I've ever heard him tell about his jumping days are some pretty tall sounding tales of slicing off his ears because he didn't tuck his head properly and not feeling it or knowing they were hanging by a strand and bouncing around on his shoulders as he ran until he saw the faces of the peeps he was running towards...... :Puke: :zombie: :lol:
Archmagician said:
That's something I know A LOT about! I have 35 parachute jumps. I have jumped from C-130's, C-141's, Huey's, Blackhawks, and a Chinook. I even got two jumps into Egypt, and 3 into Panama! :rock:

On the Normandy Equipment deal, I invite you to join

Its a free website where a lot of other paratrooper vets hang out and we can help you get your artwork authentic. My handle there is ParaPete. Just long in and post an intro telling them about yourself and what you are trying to do under "USP Reception Center >> Replacement Detachment- DEPs, Wannabes, Civilians"

I was going to ask you if you earned your patch (instead of being a civilian who wears the stuff for fun), but you obviously have earned your place in one of the Army's elite units. Good for you, bad for me: I was hoping he'd use my 104th Division Timberwolves patch! My unit got the nickname "The Nightfighters" from the French for the night ops it did during World War II.
Air Raid Siren said:
The only things I've ever heard him tell about his jumping days are some pretty tall sounding tales of slicing off his ears because he didn't tuck his head properly and not feeling it or knowing they were hanging by a strand and bouncing around on his shoulders as he ran until he saw the faces of the peeps he was running towards...... :Puke: :zombie: :lol:
Was he able to get them reattached? Poor guy!
I'm all for using the 82nd patch since they are the Army's elite Airborne unit, but I do have an idea that would make the military acoutrements more Maiden-like. Why not a 666th Airborne or 666th Special Forces? :kickass: Just a thought.
Air Raid Siren said:
OK Archmag, I have a question for you - I have some parachute patches that belonged to my dad. My sister and I divided them up as personal mementos to pass on to our kids one day, but I've always wondered (and he is no longer with us to ask) How does it work with them - do you get a patch every time you complete a jump?

The only things I've ever heard him tell about his jumping days are some pretty tall sounding tales of slicing off his ears because he didn't tuck his head properly and not feeling it or knowing they were hanging by a strand and bouncing around on his shoulders as he ran until he saw the faces of the peeps he was running towards...... :Puke: :zombie: :lol:

I will be happy to help!

Now first off I have to ask: Did he perform his parachute jumps in the U.S. Military? If not, all bets are off because, I really only have a detailed insight into the U.S. Airborne, and I dont know too much about foreign Army's standards, or civillian sky diving for that matter.

With that being said let me give you the skinny Airborne stuff as related to the U.S. Military.

1) There are no "patches" award for jumping. The only reference to a patch that you might hear about relating to Airborne are Unit patches. Now there are quite a few Unit patches out there that sport the "Airborne" tab. Only one of them is undeserved. :goggly: The 101st ceased being an "Airborne" unit in the 1970's when they became an "Air mobile" division. That means that they now repel from helicopters and no longer jump from perfectly good airplanes. They still sport the airborne tab for "historical" reasons. However, we all know that they are nasty legs now. :lol:

Some other more famous Airborne Units are as follows: 82nd (A division), 509 (A regiment), 507 (The official Airborne School training regiment though a full combat regiment in WWII), and the 173rd (A regiment).

2) There are awards for becoming a parachutist. This is the Army Airborne Wings. Here is a picture of these beautiful silver wings:

The two stars on those wings are for "Combat" jumps. There havent been a whole lot of these since WWII.

Once a person attends Jump Master School, then they have the possibility of earning two more sets of wings (they cannot be worn simultaneously, one set supercedes another). They are called Senior Wings and Master wings. A guy with a set of master wings is usually called a "Master Blaster":

Senior -
Master -

Here is a great page on the history of airborne wings!

3) Slicing your ears off from an improperly tucked head. I guess it's "possible" though HIGHLY unlikely. There is something called "Riser burn" that can happen (and has happened to me). This is where you dont have your head tucked in properly and the risers (two straps which connect the parachute suspension lines to the web harness) rub against your neck. Here is a picture of a "proper" exit from an aircraft:

Notice how he is starting to tuck his head as he walks off the ramp... exit.jpg
This guy's going out with a good head tuck!

FYI, these two jump ictures are a special kind of jump called a "tailgate". This is unlikely to ever happen in combat in static line parachuting. Its reserved for "Fun jumps" for the most part. I have done three of these. :kickass:

So was your father in the Airborne??? :kickass:
darthrya said:
I was going to ask you if you earned your patch (instead of being a civilian who wears the stuff for fun), but you obviously have earned your place in one of the Army's elite units. Good for you, bad for me: I was hoping he'd use my 104th Division Timberwolves patch! My unit got the nickname "The Nightfighters" from the French for the night ops it did during World War II.

Thanks for your service to this great nation! :kickass:

Were you an 11B like me? :D
Archmagician said:
Thanks for your service to this great nation! :kickass:

Were you an 11B like me? :D
Thanks, and same to you! No 11 bang-bang for me. :lol: I'm commo, but I have been on assignments with infantry units. I prefer to let the hoo-ahs do the real fighting while I give them all the commo support they need.
Tommy, what style of cartooning are you doing? I notice a lot of "sloppy" sketching to provide an overall, clear picture that is typical of a lot of cartoonists. What is that style called? My wife does that style, too. I find it more difficult than calculated, deliberate styles that you often seen in the funny pages by cartoonists that now use computers to make the drawing (Dilbert, for example).
Type of cartooning?

Hmmmm...I've never really thought about it.

What I usually do to is to sketch out an idea by getting the basic layout/compostion , then have another go at it with a bit more detail if the thing works. This piece , for example , was scribbles out very roughly about 5-6 times before I came up with a nice balance.

If there's an actual name for it other than "chicken scratch" , I'd love to know. :p

Sometimes though, the sketchy scribbles are more legible than others.

Here's a page of doodles from a while back:


Here's a link to one of the finished pieces from the scribbles :


That is one of my all time favorite animated films. Amoungst the top 5 are: Wizards, Heavy Metal (of course - had it on video from 84 on hehe), Rock N Rule.