New email adress...

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Hi there...

I have asked for permission to use
Hopefully we will be granted this name for our new website.
My email for now is

dan.swano "at"

and of course "at" means @ but I wish to stay away from the 500 spammails a day..

I will change this for the paypal account aswell.

I have also bought and will most likely buy anyday now.

Rock on

Wow... You Post your Mail!!!!... that's a little dangerous I think!!!!... Why if some psycopath read this!!!! hahaha....

Damned good news!
BastardSonOfGod said:
Wow... You Post your Mail!!!!... that's a little dangerous I think!!!!... Why if some psycopath read this!!!! hahaha....

Damned good news!

This is the Dan Swano forum, not the Britney Spears or Whitney Houston forum! :hotjump:
Yes I know that this is the Dan Swanö forum but I have friends (girls obviously) that kill for Dan!!!!... believe me... crazy girls, when I put something of Nightingale on the Cd player you can hear a very very loud... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!... very funny anyway hahaha!!!!
BastardSonOfGod said:
Yes I know that this is the Dan Swanö forum but I have friends (girls obviously) that kill for Dan!!!!... believe me... crazy girls, when I put something of Nightingale on the Cd player you can hear a very very loud... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!... very funny anyway hahaha!!!!

Goddamnit, those girls need to come to some Nightingale shows.. haha