new faceless pre-production track up

I could probably find out for you. The drummer, and a good friend of mine, from this band that I recorded a month ago is going to be playing drums for them.

I dig the song but the impossibly fast double kicks kind of ruin it a little bit for me. Even though this is a lot more technical than their old stuff I like the feel of their old album a lot better.
I dig the song but the impossibly fast double kicks kind of ruin it a little bit for me. Even though this is a lot more technical than their old stuff I like the feel of their old album a lot better.

I know like 10 people who can pull those kicks of, and one of them is about 16 years old. :headbang:
Listen to Necrophagist, they are just as technical and have just as fast kicks.

Just look at the drummer "Machine":

Alright point taken... maybe somebody can play kicks that fast. But look at their myspace page they don't have a drummer, the drums were obviously programmed on the record and it shows to my ear.
Alright point taken... maybe somebody can play kicks that fast. But look at their myspace page they don't have a drummer, the drums were obviously programmed on the record and it shows to my ear.

Point being? I could be wrong in my thinking but I don't think of programming playable drums as such a mortal sin.
Every hit on Akeldema was quanitized to grid, too. What matters is that every drummer they've had can actually play the stuff live. I've seen them 4 times with 3 different drummers, and each guy was beyond killer.
I've seen The Faceless twice live, and I have to agree with DSS3; both of their drummers were absolutely amazing. They easily pulled off everything on the album!
I don't think you guys really realize how fast some of those kick parts are in the programmed drums. I'll have to check to be sure but it sounds like some parts are in the 250bpm+ range, and there are only 5-6 drummers in the entire DM scene that are known to have reached those speeds with tight 16ths. Lyle is a fucking amazing drummer and fast as fuck, but I've never seen him hit speeds like that. Derek Roddy, George Kollias, Tony Laureano and Jade Simonetto are the only guys I can think of offhand that can play that shit. Most guys either float the kicks or play triplets at those speeds.

Personally I think that super fast shit would actually sound better as triplets, where the hits are a bit more distinct instead of just a blur of noise. Great band though and cool tune, looking forward to the new album.
The track on their MySpace is programmed, but like I said, Lyle will be playing it live on the upcoming tour. I think I would have to agree with F0RBIDDEN in that Lyle will most likely be floating those parts and not playing them straight.

The track on their MySpace is programmed, but like I said, Lyle will be playing it live on the upcoming tour. I think I would have to agree with F0RBIDDEN in that Lyle will most likely be floating those parts and not playing them straight.


Will be awesome to see Lyle playing with them... Any idea if it's supposed to be a permanent thing or is he just doing this tour...?
The drumming on this track is very possible


This guy hasn't got it perfect but, its DAMN close
The drumming on this track is very possible

This guy hasn't got it perfect but, its DAMN close

I'm at work and can't watch that video, but yeah, the drumming is possible, if you are one of the top DM drummers in the scene. The hand work isn't really ridiculous but the double bass is much faster than what is considered do-able by most DM drummers. Yeah, with heel toe double strokes and triggers you could get the kicks going that fast, but there are only a handful of people on earth who could play those parts with single strokes cleanly.