new fairy shrimp discovered!

i saw that on the news last night but the sound was off so i made up my own name for them- "Cribblejobblers"

they had video of them swimming along and fluttering through the water really quick, and i almost fell off the arctrainer
josh: I KNOW. i wish i had one.
nix: i really like aimee mann and til tuesday.

mia: that's tough.... triops seem more cuddly but at the same time, the new fairy shrimp is so cute. but i'd still kiss a triop first.
ah fuck it. in the old sea-monkey handbook there was a mention toward the end of it about some forthcoming products from transcience corp, stuff still in the 'experimental' stages. for all i know they could still be saying this - but isn't transcience some little office owned by hasbro now, or something?

the product teasers went something like this: a 'bear-like' creature that can enter 'suspended animation' or 'freeze' itself for long stretches of time. imagine what the promise of something like that does to a kid? in transcience terms this probably meant something along the lines of a fat fairy shrimp, but i would have bought the whole story hook line sinker.

strangely, the new fortean times has an article about a 'bear'-ish creature that behaves similarly, but it's a microscopic chigger sort of thing. the weirdness is that the article has keywords that made me mentally link it to that old handbook, as if the writer was directly referencing it as well. i guess there could be stranger things.

in any case that makes wonder if they were going to market some sort of kiddie microscope to view this thing?!?!?!
still shot: