New FIAJ track. Drone Doom-Jazz. Real amps and drums.


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
figured id post this here just incase anyones interested in it.

New Foetus In A Jar track, recorded yesterday. Guitar was Marshall AVT 150 and Fender Frontman something or other both with some crappy M-Audio condenser on each. It was so loud that even with the gain turned right down there was still some clipping. D:

Bass was Kian's behringer practice amp and a solid state ampeg combo. D112 on one and SM57 on the other. Can't remember which was on which though.
Barely any processing on bass or guitar. just minor eq

Drums were SM58's for overheads. SM57 on snare and a samson mic from a drum mic pack for kick. Kick sounded like aaaaaaass, but no sample replacement in this project, it's got character though.

Mix was pretty minmalistic. EQ and compression on snare and kick. fairly typical settings. 200hz boost, high pass, bit of a mid cut and a boost at 5khz for crack. 1ms attack 3ms release for comp, 4:1 ratio. blah blah. some verb n shit. OH's aren't even high-passed. Mix just sounds better without it.

Multiband comp and a bit of eq on the master and a bit of compression, that's pretty much it.

Enjoy :) 17 12 09.mp3
I honestly don't know what to say that you don't already know.

The drums in general are rather muddy.. something I often struggle with with totally real drums. The pros make it into an awesome ambience that fills up the whole mix. This mix, and most of mine, end up being a muddy mess around 150-300hz. Adding reverb just fucks it up further. I do like the snare reverb on this though, and the cymbals sound surprisingly clear for a 58.

Everything sounds pretty awful, which was expected by your description alone.. you couldn't possibly get a decent mix like that, ever. Perhaps 2 57's as a stereo room and that's it for 'that live sound'..
i think this is a fairly decent mix for what we're going for. i mean its pure filth but its filthy musics
but i did wanna try and make this a little more mixed sounding
Nothing to add for the mix. About the music, I honestly find it hard to listen to this but like I've already mentioned to you before your stuff would work better, IMO, as a soundtrack to a surreal/dark movie. Maybe you can even put your music in already existing movies where you think it suits the atmosphere. Kevin Moore has done something like that.