New Fit For An Autopsy

Mix is absolutely crushing. Song is pretty ok, its not turning my world upside down but I certainly dont hear anything wrong with it.

The only thing that cracks me up is the blurb with the video "It's our new and fresh approach to aggressive music, not a half-hour of blast beats and breakdowns." This song was in fact a big ass breakdown the whole time, interrupted briefly by a blast beat. I mean, adding ambient textures and delay line guitars over a breakdown dont turn it into a non breakdown?

The press blurb should read "We cant inject 64th note appregio tapping riffs into breakdowns at 220bpm like TAIM, and we cant write good metal riffs in straight tempo as well as Sylosis, so here is our crushing new song where we scream like grown men and play droney soundscape stuff over brutal, low tuned breakdown riffs, its a little bit different than other stuff in our genre, check it out"
If you think that intro is a breakdown you must be some kind of thor amulet-wearing folk metal bedroom warrior or something.
Start to like this. Great thing about Fit for an Autopsy is that this isn't easy listening stuff. First times it's always like: 'hmm, i dunno...' next day it's like, 'gonna take another listen again, i think i heard something'. Suddenly it's like you are hearing a different song. Got addicted to Hellbound since its release, and still almost play it weekly. One of the best 'brutal metal' cd's ive heard in years tbh. (if you would know me, it's an achievement, i think 95% of metal sucks and bores the crap out of me).
Mix is lovely, does remind me alot of TAIM, wich makes since, but it wasn't with previous albums.

Sorry for the long post

Live they only use 2. Kinda wierd thing they got going. Putney is morelike gitarist/songwriter/producer and stuff, but cause his occupation, he can't/doesn't tour.
Wasn't sure how this vocalist would sound recorded in this band, it turned out great imo. Mix sounds amazing, as always with Putney. The song was pretty slow and tame for a FFAA song, but I'm sure the full album will be tight.