new forum layout comments


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
things i like:

+ quick reply window no longer inserts an extra line break when you hit return
+ forum SEEMS to be a little smarter about flagging threads read/unread
+ clicking on a person's name brings up a dropdown menu to check their profile or PM them or whatever
+ super-long usernames like Crunchy the Starfish Singalong wrap to the next line and don't screw up formatting

things i don't like:
- no "New thread" button next to the "Post reply" button when you're inside (viewing) a thread
- active userlist at the bottom
- new fake accounts without avatars or witty titles
In my opinion, overall the layout makes the site look cheaper, especially with the user "window" next to their post in threads. It's also more difficult to see who the thread-starter is. And it's all white at the bottom. Ick. That's all I have noticed so far, I'll probably find other things wrong.
what do you mean by "window"? i think it's 10x easier to see who the thread starter is on the main page now, too--it's directly below the thread title!

the all-white bottom sucks.
The whole site looks ugly
I get 150-200 errors per page
posts look bulkier
interface looks like low quality cheap/free software (the stuff that vB used to beat)
i like it. it looks cute. the only thing is i keep getting confused about who started the thread vs. who just responded to it last.
haha chromelife

ok, so, wait: explain how it's hard to tell who started/last replied to a thread? i had difficulty with the old board, since it was just two random columns, but now the two things are in completely different locations, right? (below the thread title, and way to the right) or is my screen sized differently or something?
i don't like the user list at the bottom. i don't like the user name as above avatar because verdana looks like shit at that pt size. i think there are way too many options under the avatar with absolutely no explanation.