Burke said:

Wow my only real complaint about that album was the mix - on headphones I could tell that I was missing stuff that I couldn't really pick out otherwise....


Single Blade of Venegance!!!!!

DUDE I was soooo disapointed in how BRIGHT the Avian album came out,
so I not only Remixed one of the songs to bring up the vocals, but I
Remastered the entire album so and brought back the original PUNCH!
It's warmer, friendlier and has the BEEF that was missing now!
Rider of Theli said:
SPHERIC UNIVERSE EXPERIENCE has made me look at the ProgMetal genre with a whole new perspective. It's really opened my eyes and ears. Nice stuff - proggy, but with enough edge to make it metal enough for me. I like it! I foresee S.U.E. as a future PPUSA act - very near future. :Smug:

Thanks Lance for bringing acts like this to our attention. :kickass:

this was a slip up of mine in my haste to get the album out to everyone of my vendors, I FORGOT on major little item....doah, I forgot to mention THIS HAS A KILLER BONUS TRACK not on last years French release, so if you like this stuff, I encourage you to pick it up, not that many have - - - wink wink!
SUE is an awesome CD i can't stop playing it, around my house and at work it is going all the time, i really need two cd players one for SUE and One for PYRAMAZE.
DUDE I was soooo disapointed in how BRIGHT the Avian album came out,
so I not only Remixed one of the songs to bring up the vocals, but I
Remastered the entire album so and brought back the original PUNCH!
It's warmer, friendlier and has the BEEF that was missing now!
Where can we find this CD and for how much? Thanks, Lance.
I might be a little premature in asking -

Has anyone here picked up the new Katagory V album? :Saint:

After releasing 3 albums, and even playing the pre-party a few years back, I'm suprised how many people here haven't heard and/or heard of this band yet.

Lance recently uploaded a track from the new album on the Nightmare Records MySpace page - it's definatly worth checking out!


NP: Allan/Lande - Truth About our Time
Yes this is something we're doing now for many of the new albums, it just takes awhile to get in the system because every band in the world is trying to get on them at the same time ; )
Keep you eyes and ears peeled!

Hey. What do you know. Pyramaze's Melancholy Beast just showed up there, and Sandalina's new album. =)