New Grave Digger


Ruler Of Life/Light
Aug 26, 2003
Ordered the shit.

Last 2 albums Reighngold and THe Grave Digger has been mega awesome shit and I really can't wait to get their new album. Also new Judas Priest soon.

New Impellitteri is out soon US and Europe but I already paid mega expensive money Japan import but it's killer shit hot music. Curtis Skelton is a great singer.

Maybe best album 2004 Impellitteri.

New Megadeth was rather dissappointing despite guest apperence by Chris Poland... I think it's rather avarage effort by Dave Mustaine.

Jon Oliva's Pain: Taj Mahal... Need to hear the shit hot.
I am a huge Grave Digger fan but I will say this album does not live up to the last two. It is not terrible but it is not amazing either in my opinion. I still think War Games was their weakest album.
Should I cansell the order?! Is it really that bad my friends?

I'm very dissappointed to hear that man... Last 2 albums were so great man. I was addicted and playing the disc so many times.

MMMMMMMMMMM...... Too bad...