new guitar day


Nov 16, 2005
:) i've searched e bay for one of these for months, and finally found one...probably paid more than i should have for it, but i don't know when i'd have another chance to grab one




if you're wondering, it's an ltd mv300, discontinued some time ago

mahogany body, maple neck thru, flame top, 24.75" scale, you can see the rest for yourself

i've spent a lot of time playing it the last two days, and i'm very satisfied with my purchase...the neck feels great all around (altho it is in need of a setup) the jumbo frets are great for leads, and the upper fret access is among the best of any guitar i've played

i really love the mahogany/maple alive and vibrant, but still has that ballsy low end chunk i love about mahogany...nice bend of attack and sustain as well...i'm not a huge fan of the emg 81 in the bridge, but the guitar still sounds good with it...i'll most likely put this emg in my other mv (see below) and go with a duncan custom in this...the neck pickup isn't connected which is a bit of a bummer, but i'm gonna change the pickups out fairly soon anyhow

i paid just under $400 shipped for the guitar, i have no idea what it's actually worth as they're so rare...but i definitely feel i got my money's worth...sorry for the crappy pics, i'm using my cheapo casio camera here

Looks cool aside from the neck p/u being slanted like that. I've never liked that configuration, makes the guitar look kinda...loopy, or something, hard to describe what I mean, haha. I think you actually got a decent deal on it being a mah. body, neck-thru guitar.

yeah, i'm kinda undecided on the slanted neck pickup myself...i think it sounds very cool tho, and i can pick lead stuff in that space between the neck pickup and fretobard for a very unique sound

i think the old hamer, and washburn guitars, and the newer caparisons with the fretboard that extends to the neck slanted neck pickup look wicked tho...i kinda wish these were like that

as for the price, i think i did ok...they've got a few current production neck thru guitars that come with two fully working emg's, and better tuners, that go for right around $400 used; they're all 25.5" scale tho