^^ That's the all mighty question isn't it. From the various internetz threads I've seen, the opinion is split pretty much in half. I haven't tried Rock Band yet, but have found GH REALLY enjoyable. The guitars are as fun as ever to play, and the new design/model is much nicer with the extra bit of size and weight. Drums are heaps of fun too, even though I'm shit at them.
But, the main reason I bought GH:WT is because I prefer the design of the drumkit, with the raised cymbals. I'm going to buy RB 1 & 2 as well, but just the games. Hardware-wise, GH takes the take (as long as you don't get a dodgy one).
ahhh so if just buy the Rock Band Games 1 & 2 they can be used with GH WT .... i think you have just made my mine up cheers man
I'm a bit happy with the Guitar Hero posts at the moment.
Here's a new one:
My mate brought GHWT over on the weekend, along with his PS3. Four of us played it at once, and damn it was fun. I played drums for most of the night, then sang badly. Me wants. I was thinking of getting Rock Band 2 actually, but when will the kit be available here?!
Come to think of it, I need another console first. Mrs Winmar wants a Wii.
One of the guitars used was a GH3 one, Stonewall, and it seemed to go ok.
My PS3 only has two USB ports, so I guess that means I can only use two controllers at a time - no full band.Then again, I haven't actually looked into it at all so maybe there's a very simple solution to it.
Dont get a wii.
I have had 2 and sold em both after a few months.
Xbox 360 or PS3.
I have a 360 and wouldnt swap it for a PS3