New guitar recordings, let me know what you think =)

um. who are you and where did you get that music?

I'm gonna fucking kick your ass. Are you fucking even listening to that metronome?

fuck man. It's not that fucking hard.

seriously now, thanks. You are awesome and I love you.

Have a drink on me.
Sounds cool, but I think you should change the part at 20-23seconds of the whammy stuff. It's like the third of one of those chords just doesn't sound good enough. Is that the american national anthem at 1:45-50? Come to think of it, it sounds like the national anthem at 20-23 too.

At 19 seconds in the chill theme it seems pretty empty. did you skip over something like a tritone? I think it needs a sixth. It goes down to ti right? So a sixth up gives you the dominant? Or should u actually do the sixth of the scale? maybe if you displace the tritone by an octave? or does that sound retarded?

the entire solo jam sounds like it's just filler. you know like 'i was playing along and i wanted somebody else to write this part but i was all alone so i just put some shit there hoping they'd figure shit out.' toss it out.

Then the middle part is like 'well this shit is in the solo so i suppose i should indicate that whatever shit they opt to take the place of the solo they might also want it to appear here as well.'

Then song3 is like 'i'm fucking pissed off that i'm here alone so i'm just gonna fucking practice my arpeggios and put that shit in the song so maybe they realize i'm angry at them.'

Either that or it was to keep other groups from buying the rest of the music because a few parts were just plain boring.
I'm gonna pass on the beer. Go to the bar. Have mine.

People serve me shit.

Come on motherfucker everybody wants me to die

So what am I gonna do when I'm so afraid of you