Quadtracking Mixtest, let me know what you think!


has the groove.
Jul 11, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
I usually only double track my guitars, but since I had a bit of spare time in between recording my new album, I decided to try my hand at a spot of quadtracking. Everything you hear is pretty much the mix I'm using for the album expect for the quadtracking so it also serves as another preview of things to come!

I used my Ibanez RG1527 and used Lepou Legion as my ampsim (as ever!). The main two tracks are hard panned left and right with Legion's 'tonestack' switch on. The other two tracks are Legion with the same impulse response but with the 'tonestack' switch off, panned 85% left and right at decreased volume too.

Bass is loud. Loud bass good :D

Oh, and I improvised a solo. You know, for the hell of it.

Let me know what you guys think about the mix, guitar tone, drums, crappy soloing, anything you can think of! Don't hold back!
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Double track sounded more focussed while the quad sounded bigger. I prefer the quad myself!

I prefer the clarity you get from double tracking, I feel the mix in the quad tracked version is a bit brickwalled. Still, you do get that bigness.

Any comments on the mix, guitar tone, drums, anything? Any feedback would be much appreciated!
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Links are right below the track dude if it says that.

I prefer double since I like the clarity it gives. Quad gives it a more boomier sound and can sometimes make the mix muddy. not bad, though

That's what I've found though. Not sure if I gain anything really for the extra effort of quadtracking, but it was a worthwhile experiment.

Any more feedback? Possibly more specific about either of the mixes?
What id you use with Legion? what impulse? guitarhacks?

I also like your solo tone

I run Guitar Rig 4 in front of Legion where I run a compressor, tubescreamer and noise gate. No real gain really, just to add a bit of bite. I've got Legion set to about 9 o'clock gain with tonestack on with my contour in the sort of high mid region. Nothing too crazy on the eq.

I'm using Recabinet Mesa Boogie Impulses. They're incidentally the free demo ones which I found in a big pack of impulses for download over on the sevenstring.org forum.

The solo tone is the same set up, but I lay off on the noise gate and lower the treble in Legion while increasing the gain to about 12 o'clock. I run guitar rig 4 after the impulse response for reverb and delays (which Guitar Rig 4 is fantastic for!)

Thanks for taking interest man. Any more questions or if you want more details, don't hesitate to ask!

Any more feedback, particularly on the mixes themselves would be much appreciated!
the quadtracked sounds a bit brighter (guitar wise)don't ask me why, the double tracked is a bit boxy (guitar wise)

uhm no I think is more muffled than boxy

That might just be my guitar tone. I got for the whole 'loads of high mids' thing, the whole djent revolution :D

Funny that the quad tracked take would seem brighter though, since the guitars I added to it had a bassier tone. :err: I've been the quadtracked take stifles the highs in the drums, but I guess everybody hears something different then! Thanks for the input!

Anyone else have any feedback?
Your mixes sound a lot like Periphery and Animals as Leaders. Good job dude. I'm trying to achieve a similar sound but no luck. Are you using superior drummer? If so, could you throw some tips my way on how to get a big and tight sound like yours on your tracks? I tried parallel compression for the kick, snare, and room mics but my snare sounds like dick. I then buss the snare to add a little reverb and eq cutting highs and boosting lows but I keep getting more mids than lows. I want the snare to have a little more bass to it kind of like yours. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong. If I could get the snare to sound decent, my mixes wouldn't be THAT horrible, haha. Any help would be appreciated and good luck on your album!